
4568 lines
170 KiB

// ==============================================================================
// SIMD math library for game developers
// Should work on all OSes supported by Zig. Works on x86_64 and ARM.
// Provides ~140 optimized routines and ~70 extensive tests.
// Can be used with any graphics API.
// zmath uses row-major matrices, row vectors (each row vector is stored in a SIMD register).
// Handedness is determined by which function version is used (Rh vs. Lh),
// otherwise the function works with either left-handed or right-handed view coordinates.
// const va = f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0);
// const vb = f32x4(-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0);
// const v0 = va + vb - f32x4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) * f32x4s(3.0);
// const v1 = cross3(va, vb) + f32x4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
// const v2 = va + dot3(va, vb) / v1; // dotN() returns scalar replicated on all vector components
// const m = rotationX(math.pi * 0.25);
// const v = f32x4(...);
// const v0 = mul(v, m); // 'v' treated as a row vector
// const v1 = mul(m, v); // 'v' treated as a column vector
// const f = m[row][column];
// const b = va < vb;
// if (all(b, 0)) { ... } // '0' means check all vector components; if all are 'true'
// if (all(b, 3)) { ... } // '3' means check first three vector components; if all first three are 'true'
// if (any(b, 0)) { ... } // '0' means check all vector components; if any is 'true'
// if (any(b, 3)) { ... } // '3' means check first three vector components; if any from first three is 'true'
// var v4 = load(mem[0..], F32x4, 0);
// var v8 = load(mem[100..], F32x8, 0);
// var v16 = load(mem[200..], F32x16, 0);
// var camera_position = [3]f32{ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 };
// var cam_pos = loadArr3(camera_position);
// ...
// storeArr3(&camera_position, cam_pos);
// v4 = sin(v4); // SIMDx4
// v8 = cos(v8); // .x86_64 -> 2 x SIMDx4, .x86_64+avx+fma -> SIMDx8
// v16 = atan(v16); // .x86_64 -> 4 x SIMDx4, .x86_64+avx+fma -> 2 x SIMDx8, .x86_64+avx512f -> SIMDx16
// store(mem[0..], v4, 0);
// store(mem[100..], v8, 0);
// store(mem[200..], v16, 0);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 1. Initialization functions
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// f32x4(e0: f32, e1: f32, e2: f32, e3: f32) F32x4
// f32x8(e0: f32, e1: f32, e2: f32, e3: f32, e4: f32, e5: f32, e6: f32, e7: f32) F32x8
// f32x16(e0: f32, e1: f32, e2: f32, e3: f32, e4: f32, e5: f32, e6: f32, e7: f32,
// e8: f32, e9: f32, ea: f32, eb: f32, ec: f32, ed: f32, ee: f32, ef: f32) F32x16
// f32x4s(e0: f32) F32x4
// f32x8s(e0: f32) F32x8
// f32x16s(e0: f32) F32x16
// boolx4(e0: bool, e1: bool, e2: bool, e3: bool) Boolx4
// boolx8(e0: bool, e1: bool, e2: bool, e3: bool, e4: bool, e5: bool, e6: bool, e7: bool) Boolx8
// boolx16(e0: bool, e1: bool, e2: bool, e3: bool, e4: bool, e5: bool, e6: bool, e7: bool,
// e8: bool, e9: bool, ea: bool, eb: bool, ec: bool, ed: bool, ee: bool, ef: bool) Boolx16
// load(mem: []const f32, comptime T: type, comptime len: u32) T
// store(mem: []f32, v: anytype, comptime len: u32) void
// loadArr2(arr: [2]f32) F32x4
// loadArr2zw(arr: [2]f32, z: f32, w: f32) F32x4
// loadArr3(arr: [3]f32) F32x4
// loadArr3w(arr: [3]f32, w: f32) F32x4
// loadArr4(arr: [4]f32) F32x4
// storeArr2(arr: *[2]f32, v: F32x4) void
// storeArr3(arr: *[3]f32, v: F32x4) void
// storeArr4(arr: *[4]f32, v: F32x4) void
// arr3Ptr(ptr: anytype) *const [3]f32
// arrNPtr(ptr: anytype) [*]const f32
// splat(comptime T: type, value: f32) T
// splatInt(comptime T: type, value: u32) T
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2. Functions that work on all vector components (F32xN = F32x4 or F32x8 or F32x16)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// all(vb: anytype, comptime len: u32) bool
// any(vb: anytype, comptime len: u32) bool
// isNearEqual(v0: F32xN, v1: F32xN, epsilon: F32xN) BoolxN
// isNan(v: F32xN) BoolxN
// isInf(v: F32xN) BoolxN
// isInBounds(v: F32xN, bounds: F32xN) BoolxN
// andInt(v0: F32xN, v1: F32xN) F32xN
// andNotInt(v0: F32xN, v1: F32xN) F32xN
// orInt(v0: F32xN, v1: F32xN) F32xN
// norInt(v0: F32xN, v1: F32xN) F32xN
// xorInt(v0: F32xN, v1: F32xN) F32xN
// minFast(v0: F32xN, v1: F32xN) F32xN
// maxFast(v0: F32xN, v1: F32xN) F32xN
// min(v0: F32xN, v1: F32xN) F32xN
// max(v0: F32xN, v1: F32xN) F32xN
// round(v: F32xN) F32xN
// floor(v: F32xN) F32xN
// trunc(v: F32xN) F32xN
// ceil(v: F32xN) F32xN
// clamp(v0: F32xN, v1: F32xN) F32xN
// clampFast(v0: F32xN, v1: F32xN) F32xN
// saturate(v: F32xN) F32xN
// saturateFast(v: F32xN) F32xN
// lerp(v0: F32xN, v1: F32xN, t: f32) F32xN
// lerpV(v0: F32xN, v1: F32xN, t: F32xN) F32xN
// lerpInverse(v0: F32xN, v1: F32xN, t: f32) F32xN
// lerpInverseV(v0: F32xN, v1: F32xN, t: F32xN) F32xN
// mapLinear(v: F32xN, min1: f32, max1: f32, min2: f32, max2: f32) F32xN
// mapLinearV(v: F32xN, min1: F32xN, max1: F32xN, min2: F32xN, max2: F32xN) F32xN
// sqrt(v: F32xN) F32xN
// abs(v: F32xN) F32xN
// mod(v0: F32xN, v1: F32xN) F32xN
// modAngle(v: F32xN) F32xN
// mulAdd(v0: F32xN, v1: F32xN, v2: F32xN) F32xN
// select(mask: BoolxN, v0: F32xN, v1: F32xN)
// sin(v: F32xN) F32xN
// cos(v: F32xN) F32xN
// sincos(v: F32xN) [2]F32xN
// asin(v: F32xN) F32xN
// acos(v: F32xN) F32xN
// atan(v: F32xN) F32xN
// atan2(vy: F32xN, vx: F32xN) F32xN
// cmulSoa(re0: F32xN, im0: F32xN, re1: F32xN, im1: F32xN) [2]F32xN
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 3. 2D, 3D, 4D vector functions
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// swizzle(v: Vec, c, c, c, c) Vec (comptime c = .x | .y | .z | .w)
// dot2(v0: Vec, v1: Vec) F32x4
// dot3(v0: Vec, v1: Vec) F32x4
// dot4(v0: Vec, v1: Vec) F32x4
// cross3(v0: Vec, v1: Vec) Vec
// lengthSq2(v: Vec) F32x4
// lengthSq3(v: Vec) F32x4
// lengthSq4(v: Vec) F32x4
// length2(v: Vec) F32x4
// length3(v: Vec) F32x4
// length4(v: Vec) F32x4
// normalize2(v: Vec) Vec
// normalize3(v: Vec) Vec
// normalize4(v: Vec) Vec
// vecToArr2(v: Vec) [2]f32
// vecToArr3(v: Vec) [3]f32
// vecToArr4(v: Vec) [4]f32
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 4. Matrix functions
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// identity() Mat
// mul(m0: Mat, m1: Mat) Mat
// mul(s: f32, m: Mat) Mat
// mul(m: Mat, s: f32) Mat
// mul(v: Vec, m: Mat) Vec
// mul(m: Mat, v: Vec) Vec
// transpose(m: Mat) Mat
// rotationX(angle: f32) Mat
// rotationY(angle: f32) Mat
// rotationZ(angle: f32) Mat
// translation(x: f32, y: f32, z: f32) Mat
// translationV(v: Vec) Mat
// scaling(x: f32, y: f32, z: f32) Mat
// scalingV(v: Vec) Mat
// lookToLh(eyepos: Vec, eyedir: Vec, updir: Vec) Mat
// lookAtLh(eyepos: Vec, focuspos: Vec, updir: Vec) Mat
// lookToRh(eyepos: Vec, eyedir: Vec, updir: Vec) Mat
// lookAtRh(eyepos: Vec, focuspos: Vec, updir: Vec) Mat
// perspectiveFovLh(fovy: f32, aspect: f32, near: f32, far: f32) Mat
// perspectiveFovRh(fovy: f32, aspect: f32, near: f32, far: f32) Mat
// perspectiveFovLhGl(fovy: f32, aspect: f32, near: f32, far: f32) Mat
// perspectiveFovRhGl(fovy: f32, aspect: f32, near: f32, far: f32) Mat
// orthographicLh(w: f32, h: f32, near: f32, far: f32) Mat
// orthographicRh(w: f32, h: f32, near: f32, far: f32) Mat
// orthographicLhGl(w: f32, h: f32, near: f32, far: f32) Mat
// orthographicRhGl(w: f32, h: f32, near: f32, far: f32) Mat
// orthographicOffCenterLh(left: f32, right: f32, top: f32, bottom: f32, near: f32, far: f32) Mat
// orthographicOffCenterRh(left: f32, right: f32, top: f32, bottom: f32, near: f32, far: f32) Mat
// orthographicOffCenterLhGl(left: f32, right: f32, top: f32, bottom: f32, near: f32, far: f32) Mat
// orthographicOffCenterRhGl(left: f32, right: f32, top: f32, bottom: f32, near: f32, far: f32) Mat
// determinant(m: Mat) F32x4
// inverse(m: Mat) Mat
// inverseDet(m: Mat, det: ?*F32x4) Mat
// matToQuat(m: Mat) Quat
// matFromAxisAngle(axis: Vec, angle: f32) Mat
// matFromNormAxisAngle(axis: Vec, angle: f32) Mat
// matFromQuat(quat: Quat) Mat
// matFromRollPitchYaw(pitch: f32, yaw: f32, roll: f32) Mat
// matFromRollPitchYawV(angles: Vec) Mat
// matFromArr(arr: [16]f32) Mat
// loadMat(mem: []const f32) Mat
// loadMat43(mem: []const f32) Mat
// loadMat34(mem: []const f32) Mat
// storeMat(mem: []f32, m: Mat) void
// storeMat43(mem: []f32, m: Mat) void
// storeMat34(mem: []f32, m: Mat) void
// matToArr(m: Mat) [16]f32
// matToArr43(m: Mat) [12]f32
// matToArr34(m: Mat) [12]f32
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 5. Quaternion functions
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// qmul(q0: Quat, q1: Quat) Quat
// qidentity() Quat
// conjugate(quat: Quat) Quat
// inverse(q: Quat) Quat
// rotate(q: Quat, v: Vec) Vec
// slerp(q0: Quat, q1: Quat, t: f32) Quat
// slerpV(q0: Quat, q1: Quat, t: F32x4) Quat
// quatToMat(quat: Quat) Mat
// quatToAxisAngle(quat: Quat, axis: *Vec, angle: *f32) void
// quatFromMat(m: Mat) Quat
// quatFromAxisAngle(axis: Vec, angle: f32) Quat
// quatFromNormAxisAngle(axis: Vec, angle: f32) Quat
// quatFromRollPitchYaw(pitch: f32, yaw: f32, roll: f32) Quat
// quatFromRollPitchYawV(angles: Vec) Quat
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 6. Color functions
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// adjustSaturation(color: F32x4, saturation: f32) F32x4
// adjustContrast(color: F32x4, contrast: f32) F32x4
// rgbToHsl(rgb: F32x4) F32x4
// hslToRgb(hsl: F32x4) F32x4
// rgbToHsv(rgb: F32x4) F32x4
// hsvToRgb(hsv: F32x4) F32x4
// rgbToSrgb(rgb: F32x4) F32x4
// srgbToRgb(srgb: F32x4) F32x4
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// X. Misc functions
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// linePointDistance(linept0: Vec, linept1: Vec, pt: Vec) F32x4
// sin(v: f32) f32
// cos(v: f32) f32
// sincos(v: f32) [2]f32
// asin(v: f32) f32
// acos(v: f32) f32
// fftInitUnityTable(unitytable: []F32x4) void
// fft(re: []F32x4, im: []F32x4, unitytable: []const F32x4) void
// ifft(re: []F32x4, im: []const F32x4, unitytable: []const F32x4) void
// ==============================================================================
// Fundamental types
pub const F32x4 = @Vector(4, f32);
pub const F32x8 = @Vector(8, f32);
pub const F32x16 = @Vector(16, f32);
pub const Boolx4 = @Vector(4, bool);
pub const Boolx8 = @Vector(8, bool);
pub const Boolx16 = @Vector(16, bool);
// "Higher-level" aliases
pub const Vec = F32x4;
pub const Mat = [4]F32x4;
pub const Quat = F32x4;
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const std = @import("std");
const math = std.math;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const expect = std.testing.expect;
const cpu_arch = builtin.cpu.arch;
const has_avx = if (cpu_arch == .x86_64) std.Target.x86.featureSetHas(builtin.cpu.features, .avx) else false;
const has_avx512f = if (cpu_arch == .x86_64) std.Target.x86.featureSetHas(builtin.cpu.features, .avx512f) else false;
const has_fma = if (cpu_arch == .x86_64) std.Target.x86.featureSetHas(builtin.cpu.features, .fma) else false;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 1. Initialization functions
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
pub inline fn f32x4(e0: f32, e1: f32, e2: f32, e3: f32) F32x4 {
return .{ e0, e1, e2, e3 };
pub inline fn f32x8(e0: f32, e1: f32, e2: f32, e3: f32, e4: f32, e5: f32, e6: f32, e7: f32) F32x8 {
return .{ e0, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7 };
// zig fmt: off
pub inline fn f32x16(
e0: f32, e1: f32, e2: f32, e3: f32, e4: f32, e5: f32, e6: f32, e7: f32,
e8: f32, e9: f32, ea: f32, eb: f32, ec: f32, ed: f32, ee: f32, ef: f32) F32x16 {
return .{ e0, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, e8, e9, ea, eb, ec, ed, ee, ef };
// zig fmt: on
pub inline fn f32x4s(e0: f32) F32x4 {
return splat(F32x4, e0);
pub inline fn f32x8s(e0: f32) F32x8 {
return splat(F32x8, e0);
pub inline fn f32x16s(e0: f32) F32x16 {
return splat(F32x16, e0);
pub inline fn boolx4(e0: bool, e1: bool, e2: bool, e3: bool) Boolx4 {
return .{ e0, e1, e2, e3 };
pub inline fn boolx8(e0: bool, e1: bool, e2: bool, e3: bool, e4: bool, e5: bool, e6: bool, e7: bool) Boolx8 {
return .{ e0, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7 };
// zig fmt: off
pub inline fn boolx16(
e0: bool, e1: bool, e2: bool, e3: bool, e4: bool, e5: bool, e6: bool, e7: bool,
e8: bool, e9: bool, ea: bool, eb: bool, ec: bool, ed: bool, ee: bool, ef: bool) Boolx16 {
return .{ e0, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, e8, e9, ea, eb, ec, ed, ee, ef };
// zig fmt: on
pub inline fn veclen(comptime T: type) comptime_int {
return @typeInfo(T).vector.len;
pub inline fn splat(comptime T: type, value: f32) T {
return @splat(value);
pub inline fn splatInt(comptime T: type, value: u32) T {
return @splat(@bitCast(value));
pub fn load(mem: []const f32, comptime T: type, comptime len: u32) T {
var v = splat(T, 0.0);
const loop_len = if (len == 0) veclen(T) else len;
comptime var i: u32 = 0;
inline while (i < loop_len) : (i += 1) {
v[i] = mem[i];
return v;
test "zmath.load" {
const a = [7]f32{ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 };
var ptr = &a;
var i: u32 = 0;
const v0 = load(a[i..], F32x4, 2);
try expectVecEqual(v0, F32x4{ 1.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0 });
i += 2;
const v1 = load(a[i .. i + 2], F32x4, 2);
try expectVecEqual(v1, F32x4{ 3.0, 4.0, 0.0, 0.0 });
const v2 = load(a[5..7], F32x4, 2);
try expectVecEqual(v2, F32x4{ 6.0, 7.0, 0.0, 0.0 });
const v3 = load(ptr[1..], F32x4, 2);
try expectVecEqual(v3, F32x4{ 2.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0 });
i += 1;
const v4 = load(ptr[i .. i + 2], F32x4, 2);
try expectVecEqual(v4, F32x4{ 4.0, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0 });
pub fn store(mem: []f32, v: anytype, comptime len: u32) void {
const T = @TypeOf(v);
const loop_len = if (len == 0) veclen(T) else len;
comptime var i: u32 = 0;
inline while (i < loop_len) : (i += 1) {
mem[i] = v[i];
test "" {
var a = [7]f32{ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 };
const v = load(a[1..], F32x4, 3);
store(a[2..], v, 4);
try expect(a[0] == 1.0);
try expect(a[1] == 2.0);
try expect(a[2] == 2.0);
try expect(a[3] == 3.0);
try expect(a[4] == 4.0);
try expect(a[5] == 0.0);
pub inline fn loadArr2(arr: [2]f32) F32x4 {
return f32x4(arr[0], arr[1], 0.0, 0.0);
pub inline fn loadArr2zw(arr: [2]f32, z: f32, w: f32) F32x4 {
return f32x4(arr[0], arr[1], z, w);
pub inline fn loadArr3(arr: [3]f32) F32x4 {
return f32x4(arr[0], arr[1], arr[2], 0.0);
pub inline fn loadArr3w(arr: [3]f32, w: f32) F32x4 {
return f32x4(arr[0], arr[1], arr[2], w);
pub inline fn loadArr4(arr: [4]f32) F32x4 {
return f32x4(arr[0], arr[1], arr[2], arr[3]);
pub inline fn storeArr2(arr: *[2]f32, v: F32x4) void {
arr.* = .{ v[0], v[1] };
pub inline fn storeArr3(arr: *[3]f32, v: F32x4) void {
arr.* = .{ v[0], v[1], v[2] };
pub inline fn storeArr4(arr: *[4]f32, v: F32x4) void {
arr.* = .{ v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3] };
pub inline fn arr3Ptr(ptr: anytype) *const [3]f32 {
comptime assert(@typeInfo(@TypeOf(ptr)) == .pointer);
const T = std.meta.Child(@TypeOf(ptr));
comptime assert(T == F32x4);
return @as(*const [3]f32, @ptrCast(ptr));
pub inline fn arrNPtr(ptr: anytype) [*]const f32 {
comptime assert(@typeInfo(@TypeOf(ptr)) == .pointer);
const T = std.meta.Child(@TypeOf(ptr));
comptime assert(T == Mat or T == F32x4 or T == F32x8 or T == F32x16);
return @as([*]const f32, @ptrCast(ptr));
test "zmath.arrNPtr" {
const mat = identity();
const f32ptr = arrNPtr(&mat);
try expect(f32ptr[0] == 1.0);
try expect(f32ptr[5] == 1.0);
try expect(f32ptr[10] == 1.0);
try expect(f32ptr[15] == 1.0);
const v8 = f32x8s(1.0);
const f32ptr = arrNPtr(&v8);
try expect(f32ptr[1] == 1.0);
try expect(f32ptr[7] == 1.0);
test "zmath.loadArr" {
const camera_position = [3]f32{ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 };
const simd_reg = loadArr3(camera_position);
try expectVecEqual(simd_reg, f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 0.0));
const camera_position = [3]f32{ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 };
const simd_reg = loadArr3w(camera_position, 1.0);
try expectVecEqual(simd_reg, f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0));
pub inline fn vecToArr2(v: Vec) [2]f32 {
return .{ v[0], v[1] };
pub inline fn vecToArr3(v: Vec) [3]f32 {
return .{ v[0], v[1], v[2] };
pub inline fn vecToArr4(v: Vec) [4]f32 {
return .{ v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3] };
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2. Functions that work on all vector components (F32xN = F32x4 or F32x8 or F32x16)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
pub fn all(vb: anytype, comptime len: u32) bool {
const T = @TypeOf(vb);
if (len > veclen(T)) {
@compileError("zmath.all(): 'len' is greater than vector len of type " ++ @typeName(T));
const loop_len = if (len == 0) veclen(T) else len;
const ab: [veclen(T)]bool = vb;
comptime var i: u32 = 0;
var result = true;
inline while (i < loop_len) : (i += 1) {
result = result and ab[i];
return result;
test "zmath.all" {
try expect(all(boolx8(true, true, true, true, true, false, true, false), 5) == true);
try expect(all(boolx8(true, true, true, true, true, false, true, false), 6) == false);
try expect(all(boolx8(true, true, true, true, false, false, false, false), 4) == true);
try expect(all(boolx4(true, true, true, false), 3) == true);
try expect(all(boolx4(true, true, true, false), 1) == true);
try expect(all(boolx4(true, false, false, false), 1) == true);
try expect(all(boolx4(false, true, false, false), 1) == false);
try expect(all(boolx8(true, true, true, true, true, false, true, false), 0) == false);
try expect(all(boolx4(false, true, false, false), 0) == false);
try expect(all(boolx4(true, true, true, true), 0) == true);
pub fn any(vb: anytype, comptime len: u32) bool {
const T = @TypeOf(vb);
if (len > veclen(T)) {
@compileError("zmath.any(): 'len' is greater than vector len of type " ++ @typeName(T));
const loop_len = if (len == 0) veclen(T) else len;
const ab: [veclen(T)]bool = vb;
comptime var i: u32 = 0;
var result = false;
inline while (i < loop_len) : (i += 1) {
result = result or ab[i];
return result;
test "zmath.any" {
try expect(any(boolx8(true, true, true, true, true, false, true, false), 0) == true);
try expect(any(boolx8(false, false, false, true, true, false, true, false), 3) == false);
try expect(any(boolx8(false, false, false, false, false, true, false, false), 4) == false);
pub inline fn isNearEqual(
v0: anytype,
v1: anytype,
epsilon: anytype,
) @Vector(veclen(@TypeOf(v0)), bool) {
const T = @TypeOf(v0, v1, epsilon);
const delta = v0 - v1;
const temp = maxFast(delta, splat(T, 0.0) - delta);
return temp <= epsilon;
test "zmath.isNearEqual" {
const v0 = f32x4(1.0, 2.0, -3.0, 4.001);
const v1 = f32x4(1.0, 2.1, 3.0, 4.0);
const b = isNearEqual(v0, v1, splat(F32x4, 0.01));
try expect(@reduce(.And, b == boolx4(true, false, false, true)));
const v0 = f32x8(1.0, 2.0, -3.0, 4.001, 1.001, 2.3, -0.0, 0.0);
const v1 = f32x8(1.0, 2.1, 3.0, 4.0, -1.001, 2.1, 0.0, 0.0);
const b = isNearEqual(v0, v1, splat(F32x8, 0.01));
try expect(@reduce(.And, b == boolx8(true, false, false, true, false, false, true, true)));
try expect(all(isNearEqual(
splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32)),
splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32)),
splat(F32x4, 0.0001),
), 0) == false);
try expect(all(isNearEqual(
splat(F32x4, -math.inf(f32)),
splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32)),
splat(F32x4, 0.0001),
), 0) == false);
try expect(all(isNearEqual(
splat(F32x4, -math.inf(f32)),
splat(F32x4, -math.inf(f32)),
splat(F32x4, 0.0001),
), 0) == false);
try expect(all(isNearEqual(
splat(F32x4, -math.nan(f32)),
splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32)),
splat(F32x4, 0.0001),
), 0) == false);
pub inline fn isNan(
v: anytype,
) @Vector(veclen(@TypeOf(v)), bool) {
return v != v;
test "zmath.isNan" {
const v0 = f32x4(math.inf(f32), math.nan(f32), math.nan(f32), 7.0);
const b = isNan(v0);
try expect(@reduce(.And, b == boolx4(false, true, true, false)));
const v0 = f32x8(0, math.nan(f32), 0, 0, math.inf(f32), math.nan(f32), math.snan(f32), 7.0);
const b = isNan(v0);
try expect(@reduce(.And, b == boolx8(false, true, false, false, false, true, true, false)));
pub inline fn isInf(
v: anytype,
) @Vector(veclen(@TypeOf(v)), bool) {
const T = @TypeOf(v);
return abs(v) == splat(T, math.inf(f32));
test "zmath.isInf" {
const v0 = f32x4(math.inf(f32), math.nan(f32), math.snan(f32), 7.0);
const b = isInf(v0);
try expect(@reduce(.And, b == boolx4(true, false, false, false)));
const v0 = f32x8(0, math.inf(f32), 0, 0, math.inf(f32), math.nan(f32), math.snan(f32), 7.0);
const b = isInf(v0);
try expect(@reduce(.And, b == boolx8(false, true, false, false, true, false, false, false)));
pub inline fn isInBounds(
v: anytype,
bounds: anytype,
) @Vector(veclen(@TypeOf(v)), bool) {
const T = @TypeOf(v, bounds);
const Tu = @Vector(veclen(T), u1);
const Tr = @Vector(veclen(T), bool);
// 2 x cmpleps, xorps, load, andps
const b0 = v <= bounds;
const b1 = (bounds * splat(T, -1.0)) <= v;
const b0u = @as(Tu, @bitCast(b0));
const b1u = @as(Tu, @bitCast(b1));
return @as(Tr, @bitCast(b0u & b1u));
test "zmath.isInBounds" {
const v0 = f32x4(0.5, -2.0, -1.0, 1.9);
const v1 = f32x4(-1.6, -2.001, -1.0, 1.9);
const bounds = f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 2.0);
const b0 = isInBounds(v0, bounds);
const b1 = isInBounds(v1, bounds);
try expect(@reduce(.And, b0 == boolx4(true, true, true, true)));
try expect(@reduce(.And, b1 == boolx4(false, false, true, true)));
const v0 = f32x8(2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.5, -2.0, -1.0, 1.9);
const bounds = f32x8(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, math.inf(f32), 1.0, math.nan(f32), 1.0, 2.0);
const b0 = isInBounds(v0, bounds);
try expect(@reduce(.And, b0 == boolx8(false, true, false, true, true, false, true, true)));
pub inline fn andInt(v0: anytype, v1: anytype) @TypeOf(v0, v1) {
const T = @TypeOf(v0, v1);
const Tu = @Vector(veclen(T), u32);
const v0u = @as(Tu, @bitCast(v0));
const v1u = @as(Tu, @bitCast(v1));
return @as(T, @bitCast(v0u & v1u)); // andps
test "zmath.andInt" {
const v0 = f32x4(0, @as(f32, @bitCast(~@as(u32, 0))), 0, @as(f32, @bitCast(~@as(u32, 0))));
const v1 = f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, math.inf(f32));
const v = andInt(v0, v1);
try expect(v[3] == math.inf(f32));
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x4(0.0, 2.0, 0.0, math.inf(f32)));
const v0 = f32x8(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @as(f32, @bitCast(~@as(u32, 0))), 0, @as(f32, @bitCast(~@as(u32, 0))));
const v1 = f32x8(0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, math.inf(f32));
const v = andInt(v0, v1);
try expect(v[7] == math.inf(f32));
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x8(0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0, math.inf(f32)));
pub inline fn andNotInt(v0: anytype, v1: anytype) @TypeOf(v0, v1) {
const T = @TypeOf(v0, v1);
const Tu = @Vector(veclen(T), u32);
const v0u = @as(Tu, @bitCast(v0));
const v1u = @as(Tu, @bitCast(v1));
return @as(T, @bitCast(~v0u & v1u)); // andnps
test "zmath.andNotInt" {
const v0 = f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0);
const v1 = f32x4(0, @as(f32, @bitCast(~@as(u32, 0))), 0, @as(f32, @bitCast(~@as(u32, 0))));
const v = andNotInt(v1, v0);
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x4(1.0, 0.0, 3.0, 0.0));
const v0 = f32x8(0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0);
const v1 = f32x8(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @as(f32, @bitCast(~@as(u32, 0))), 0, @as(f32, @bitCast(~@as(u32, 0))));
const v = andNotInt(v1, v0);
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x8(0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0.0, 3.0, 0.0));
pub inline fn orInt(v0: anytype, v1: anytype) @TypeOf(v0, v1) {
const T = @TypeOf(v0, v1);
const Tu = @Vector(veclen(T), u32);
const v0u = @as(Tu, @bitCast(v0));
const v1u = @as(Tu, @bitCast(v1));
return @as(T, @bitCast(v0u | v1u)); // orps
test "zmath.orInt" {
const v0 = f32x4(0, @as(f32, @bitCast(~@as(u32, 0))), 0, 0);
const v1 = f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0);
const v = orInt(v0, v1);
try expect(v[0] == 1.0);
try expect(@as(u32, @bitCast(v[1])) == ~@as(u32, 0));
try expect(v[2] == 3.0);
try expect(v[3] == 4.0);
const v0 = f32x8(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, @as(f32, @bitCast(~@as(u32, 0))), 0, 0);
const v1 = f32x8(0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0);
const v = orInt(v0, v1);
try expect(v[4] == 1.0);
try expect(@as(u32, @bitCast(v[5])) == ~@as(u32, 0));
try expect(v[6] == 3.0);
try expect(v[7] == 4.0);
pub inline fn norInt(v0: anytype, v1: anytype) @TypeOf(v0, v1) {
const T = @TypeOf(v0, v1);
const Tu = @Vector(veclen(T), u32);
const v0u = @as(Tu, @bitCast(v0));
const v1u = @as(Tu, @bitCast(v1));
return @as(T, @bitCast(~(v0u | v1u))); // por, pcmpeqd, pxor
pub inline fn xorInt(v0: anytype, v1: anytype) @TypeOf(v0, v1) {
const T = @TypeOf(v0, v1);
const Tu = @Vector(veclen(T), u32);
const v0u = @as(Tu, @bitCast(v0));
const v1u = @as(Tu, @bitCast(v1));
return @as(T, @bitCast(v0u ^ v1u)); // xorps
test "zmath.xorInt" {
const v0 = f32x4(1.0, @as(f32, @bitCast(~@as(u32, 0))), 0, 0);
const v1 = f32x4(1.0, 0, 0, 0);
const v = xorInt(v0, v1);
try expect(v[0] == 0.0);
try expect(@as(u32, @bitCast(v[1])) == ~@as(u32, 0));
try expect(v[2] == 0.0);
try expect(v[3] == 0.0);
const v0 = f32x8(0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, @as(f32, @bitCast(~@as(u32, 0))), 0, 0);
const v1 = f32x8(0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0);
const v = xorInt(v0, v1);
try expect(v[4] == 0.0);
try expect(@as(u32, @bitCast(v[5])) == ~@as(u32, 0));
try expect(v[6] == 0.0);
try expect(v[7] == 0.0);
pub inline fn minFast(v0: anytype, v1: anytype) @TypeOf(v0, v1) {
return select(v0 < v1, v0, v1); // minps
test "zmath.minFast" {
const v0 = f32x4(1.0, 3.0, 2.0, 7.0);
const v1 = f32x4(2.0, 1.0, 4.0, math.inf(f32));
const v = minFast(v0, v1);
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x4(1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 7.0));
const v0 = f32x4(1.0, math.nan(f32), 5.0, math.snan(f32));
const v1 = f32x4(2.0, 1.0, 4.0, math.inf(f32));
const v = minFast(v0, v1);
try expect(v[0] == 1.0);
try expect(v[1] == 1.0);
try expect(!math.isNan(v[1]));
try expect(v[2] == 4.0);
try expect(v[3] == math.inf(f32));
try expect(!math.isNan(v[3]));
pub inline fn maxFast(v0: anytype, v1: anytype) @TypeOf(v0, v1) {
return select(v0 > v1, v0, v1); // maxps
test "zmath.maxFast" {
const v0 = f32x4(1.0, 3.0, 2.0, 7.0);
const v1 = f32x4(2.0, 1.0, 4.0, math.inf(f32));
const v = maxFast(v0, v1);
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x4(2.0, 3.0, 4.0, math.inf(f32)));
const v0 = f32x4(1.0, math.nan(f32), 5.0, math.snan(f32));
const v1 = f32x4(2.0, 1.0, 4.0, math.inf(f32));
const v = maxFast(v0, v1);
try expect(v[0] == 2.0);
try expect(v[1] == 1.0);
try expect(v[2] == 5.0);
try expect(v[3] == math.inf(f32));
try expect(!math.isNan(v[3]));
pub inline fn min(v0: anytype, v1: anytype) @TypeOf(v0, v1) {
// This will handle inf & nan
return @min(v0, v1); // minps, cmpunordps, andps, andnps, orps
test "zmath.min" {
// Calling math.inf causes test to fail!
if ( == .macos and == .aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest;
const v0 = f32x4(1.0, 3.0, 2.0, 7.0);
const v1 = f32x4(2.0, 1.0, 4.0, math.inf(f32));
const v = min(v0, v1);
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x4(1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 7.0));
const v0 = f32x8(0, 0, -2.0, 0, 1.0, 3.0, 2.0, 7.0);
const v1 = f32x8(0, 1.0, 0, 0, 2.0, 1.0, 4.0, math.inf(f32));
const v = min(v0, v1);
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x8(0.0, 0.0, -2.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 7.0));
const v0 = f32x4(1.0, math.nan(f32), 5.0, math.snan(f32));
const v1 = f32x4(2.0, 1.0, 4.0, math.inf(f32));
const v = min(v0, v1);
try expect(v[0] == 1.0);
try expect(v[1] == 1.0);
try expect(!math.isNan(v[1]));
try expect(v[2] == 4.0);
try expect(v[3] == math.inf(f32));
try expect(!math.isNan(v[3]));
const v0 = f32x4(-math.inf(f32), math.inf(f32), math.inf(f32), math.snan(f32));
const v1 = f32x4(math.snan(f32), -math.inf(f32), math.snan(f32), math.nan(f32));
const v = min(v0, v1);
try expect(v[0] == -math.inf(f32));
try expect(v[1] == -math.inf(f32));
try expect(v[2] == math.inf(f32));
try expect(!math.isNan(v[2]));
try expect(math.isNan(v[3]));
try expect(!math.isInf(v[3]));
pub inline fn max(v0: anytype, v1: anytype) @TypeOf(v0, v1) {
// This will handle inf & nan
return @max(v0, v1); // maxps, cmpunordps, andps, andnps, orps
test "zmath.max" {
// Calling math.inf causes test to fail!
if ( == .macos and == .aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest;
const v0 = f32x4(1.0, 3.0, 2.0, 7.0);
const v1 = f32x4(2.0, 1.0, 4.0, math.inf(f32));
const v = max(v0, v1);
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x4(2.0, 3.0, 4.0, math.inf(f32)));
const v0 = f32x8(0, 0, -2.0, 0, 1.0, 3.0, 2.0, 7.0);
const v1 = f32x8(0, 1.0, 0, 0, 2.0, 1.0, 4.0, math.inf(f32));
const v = max(v0, v1);
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x8(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, math.inf(f32)));
const v0 = f32x4(1.0, math.nan(f32), 5.0, math.snan(f32));
const v1 = f32x4(2.0, 1.0, 4.0, math.inf(f32));
const v = max(v0, v1);
try expect(v[0] == 2.0);
try expect(v[1] == 1.0);
try expect(v[2] == 5.0);
try expect(v[3] == math.inf(f32));
try expect(!math.isNan(v[3]));
const v0 = f32x4(-math.inf(f32), math.inf(f32), math.inf(f32), math.snan(f32));
const v1 = f32x4(math.snan(f32), -math.inf(f32), math.snan(f32), math.nan(f32));
const v = max(v0, v1);
try expect(v[0] == -math.inf(f32));
try expect(v[1] == math.inf(f32));
try expect(v[2] == math.inf(f32));
try expect(!math.isNan(v[2]));
try expect(math.isNan(v[3]));
try expect(!math.isInf(v[3]));
pub fn round(v: anytype) @TypeOf(v) {
const T = @TypeOf(v);
if (cpu_arch == .x86_64 and has_avx) {
if (T == F32x4) {
return asm ("vroundps $0, %%xmm0, %%xmm0"
: [ret] "={xmm0}" (-> T),
: [v] "{xmm0}" (v),
} else if (T == F32x8) {
return asm ("vroundps $0, %%ymm0, %%ymm0"
: [ret] "={ymm0}" (-> T),
: [v] "{ymm0}" (v),
} else if (T == F32x16 and has_avx512f) {
return asm ("vrndscaleps $0, %%zmm0, %%zmm0"
: [ret] "={zmm0}" (-> T),
: [v] "{zmm0}" (v),
} else if (T == F32x16 and !has_avx512f) {
const arr: [16]f32 = v;
var ymm0 = @as(F32x8, arr[0..8].*);
var ymm1 = @as(F32x8, arr[8..16].*);
ymm0 = asm ("vroundps $0, %%ymm0, %%ymm0"
: [ret] "={ymm0}" (-> F32x8),
: [v] "{ymm0}" (ymm0),
ymm1 = asm ("vroundps $0, %%ymm1, %%ymm1"
: [ret] "={ymm1}" (-> F32x8),
: [v] "{ymm1}" (ymm1),
return @shuffle(f32, ymm0, ymm1, [16]i32{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8 });
} else {
const sign = andInt(v, splatNegativeZero(T));
const magic = orInt(splatNoFraction(T), sign);
var r1 = v + magic;
r1 = r1 - magic;
const r2 = abs(v);
const mask = r2 <= splatNoFraction(T);
return select(mask, r1, v);
test "zmath.round" {
try expect(all(round(splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32))) == splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32)), 0));
try expect(all(round(splat(F32x4, -math.inf(f32))) == splat(F32x4, -math.inf(f32)), 0));
try expect(all(isNan(round(splat(F32x4, math.nan(f32)))), 0));
try expect(all(isNan(round(splat(F32x4, -math.nan(f32)))), 0));
try expect(all(isNan(round(splat(F32x4, math.snan(f32)))), 0));
try expect(all(isNan(round(splat(F32x4, -math.snan(f32)))), 0));
const v = round(f32x16(1.1, -1.1, -1.5, 1.5, 2.1, 2.8, 2.9, 4.1, 5.8, 6.1, 7.9, 8.9, 10.1, 11.2, 12.7, 13.1));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(
f32x16(1.0, -1.0, -2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4.0, 6.0, 6.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 13.0, 13.0),
var v = round(f32x4(1.1, -1.1, -1.5, 1.5));
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x4(1.0, -1.0, -2.0, 2.0));
const v1 = f32x4(-10_000_000.1, -math.inf(f32), 10_000_001.5, math.inf(f32));
v = round(v1);
try expect(v[3] == math.inf(f32));
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x4(-10_000_000.1, -math.inf(f32), 10_000_001.5, math.inf(f32)));
const v2 = f32x4(-math.snan(f32), math.snan(f32), math.nan(f32), -math.inf(f32));
v = round(v2);
try expect(math.isNan(v2[0]));
try expect(math.isNan(v2[1]));
try expect(math.isNan(v2[2]));
try expect(v2[3] == -math.inf(f32));
const v3 = f32x4(1001.5, -201.499, -10000.99, -101.5);
v = round(v3);
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x4(1002.0, -201.0, -10001.0, -102.0));
const v4 = f32x4(-1_388_609.9, 1_388_609.5, 1_388_109.01, 2_388_609.5);
v = round(v4);
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x4(-1_388_610.0, 1_388_610.0, 1_388_109.0, 2_388_610.0));
var f: f32 = -100.0;
var i: u32 = 0;
while (i < 100) : (i += 1) {
const vr = round(splat(F32x4, f));
const fr = @round(splat(F32x4, f));
const vr8 = round(splat(F32x8, f));
const fr8 = @round(splat(F32x8, f));
const vr16 = round(splat(F32x16, f));
const fr16 = @round(splat(F32x16, f));
try expectVecEqual(vr, fr);
try expectVecEqual(vr8, fr8);
try expectVecEqual(vr16, fr16);
f += 0.12345 * @as(f32, @floatFromInt(i));
pub fn trunc(v: anytype) @TypeOf(v) {
const T = @TypeOf(v);
if (cpu_arch == .x86_64 and has_avx) {
if (T == F32x4) {
return asm ("vroundps $3, %%xmm0, %%xmm0"
: [ret] "={xmm0}" (-> T),
: [v] "{xmm0}" (v),
} else if (T == F32x8) {
return asm ("vroundps $3, %%ymm0, %%ymm0"
: [ret] "={ymm0}" (-> T),
: [v] "{ymm0}" (v),
} else if (T == F32x16 and has_avx512f) {
return asm ("vrndscaleps $3, %%zmm0, %%zmm0"
: [ret] "={zmm0}" (-> T),
: [v] "{zmm0}" (v),
} else if (T == F32x16 and !has_avx512f) {
const arr: [16]f32 = v;
var ymm0 = @as(F32x8, arr[0..8].*);
var ymm1 = @as(F32x8, arr[8..16].*);
ymm0 = asm ("vroundps $3, %%ymm0, %%ymm0"
: [ret] "={ymm0}" (-> F32x8),
: [v] "{ymm0}" (ymm0),
ymm1 = asm ("vroundps $3, %%ymm1, %%ymm1"
: [ret] "={ymm1}" (-> F32x8),
: [v] "{ymm1}" (ymm1),
return @shuffle(f32, ymm0, ymm1, [16]i32{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8 });
} else {
const mask = abs(v) < splatNoFraction(T);
const result = floatToIntAndBack(v);
return select(mask, result, v);
test "zmath.trunc" {
try expect(all(trunc(splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32))) == splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32)), 0));
try expect(all(trunc(splat(F32x4, -math.inf(f32))) == splat(F32x4, -math.inf(f32)), 0));
try expect(all(isNan(trunc(splat(F32x4, math.nan(f32)))), 0));
try expect(all(isNan(trunc(splat(F32x4, -math.nan(f32)))), 0));
try expect(all(isNan(trunc(splat(F32x4, math.snan(f32)))), 0));
try expect(all(isNan(trunc(splat(F32x4, -math.snan(f32)))), 0));
const v = trunc(f32x16(1.1, -1.1, -1.5, 1.5, 2.1, 2.8, 2.9, 4.1, 5.8, 6.1, 7.9, 8.9, 10.1, 11.2, 12.7, 13.1));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(
f32x16(1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0),
var v = trunc(f32x4(1.1, -1.1, -1.5, 1.5));
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x4(1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0));
v = trunc(f32x4(-10_000_002.1, -math.inf(f32), 10_000_001.5, math.inf(f32)));
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x4(-10_000_002.1, -math.inf(f32), 10_000_001.5, math.inf(f32)));
v = trunc(f32x4(-math.snan(f32), math.snan(f32), math.nan(f32), -math.inf(f32)));
try expect(math.isNan(v[0]));
try expect(math.isNan(v[1]));
try expect(math.isNan(v[2]));
try expect(v[3] == -math.inf(f32));
v = trunc(f32x4(1000.5001, -201.499, -10000.99, 100.750001));
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x4(1000.0, -201.0, -10000.0, 100.0));
v = trunc(f32x4(-7_388_609.5, 7_388_609.1, 8_388_109.5, -8_388_509.5));
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x4(-7_388_609.0, 7_388_609.0, 8_388_109.0, -8_388_509.0));
var f: f32 = -100.0;
var i: u32 = 0;
while (i < 100) : (i += 1) {
const vr = trunc(splat(F32x4, f));
const fr = @trunc(splat(F32x4, f));
const vr8 = trunc(splat(F32x8, f));
const fr8 = @trunc(splat(F32x8, f));
const vr16 = trunc(splat(F32x16, f));
const fr16 = @trunc(splat(F32x16, f));
try expectVecEqual(vr, fr);
try expectVecEqual(vr8, fr8);
try expectVecEqual(vr16, fr16);
f += 0.12345 * @as(f32, @floatFromInt(i));
pub fn floor(v: anytype) @TypeOf(v) {
const T = @TypeOf(v);
if (cpu_arch == .x86_64 and has_avx) {
if (T == F32x4) {
return asm ("vroundps $1, %%xmm0, %%xmm0"
: [ret] "={xmm0}" (-> T),
: [v] "{xmm0}" (v),
} else if (T == F32x8) {
return asm ("vroundps $1, %%ymm0, %%ymm0"
: [ret] "={ymm0}" (-> T),
: [v] "{ymm0}" (v),
} else if (T == F32x16 and has_avx512f) {
return asm ("vrndscaleps $1, %%zmm0, %%zmm0"
: [ret] "={zmm0}" (-> T),
: [v] "{zmm0}" (v),
} else if (T == F32x16 and !has_avx512f) {
const arr: [16]f32 = v;
var ymm0 = @as(F32x8, arr[0..8].*);
var ymm1 = @as(F32x8, arr[8..16].*);
ymm0 = asm ("vroundps $1, %%ymm0, %%ymm0"
: [ret] "={ymm0}" (-> F32x8),
: [v] "{ymm0}" (ymm0),
ymm1 = asm ("vroundps $1, %%ymm1, %%ymm1"
: [ret] "={ymm1}" (-> F32x8),
: [v] "{ymm1}" (ymm1),
return @shuffle(f32, ymm0, ymm1, [16]i32{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8 });
} else {
const mask = abs(v) < splatNoFraction(T);
var result = floatToIntAndBack(v);
const larger_mask = result > v;
const larger = select(larger_mask, splat(T, -1.0), splat(T, 0.0));
result = result + larger;
return select(mask, result, v);
test "zmath.floor" {
try expect(all(floor(splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32))) == splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32)), 0));
try expect(all(floor(splat(F32x4, -math.inf(f32))) == splat(F32x4, -math.inf(f32)), 0));
try expect(all(isNan(floor(splat(F32x4, math.nan(f32)))), 0));
try expect(all(isNan(floor(splat(F32x4, -math.nan(f32)))), 0));
try expect(all(isNan(floor(splat(F32x4, math.snan(f32)))), 0));
try expect(all(isNan(floor(splat(F32x4, -math.snan(f32)))), 0));
const v = floor(f32x16(1.1, -1.1, -1.5, 1.5, 2.1, 2.8, 2.9, 4.1, 5.8, 6.1, 7.9, 8.9, 10.1, 11.2, 12.7, 13.1));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(
f32x16(1.0, -2.0, -2.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0),
var v = floor(f32x4(1.5, -1.5, -1.7, -2.1));
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x4(1.0, -2.0, -2.0, -3.0));
v = floor(f32x4(-10_000_002.1, -math.inf(f32), 10_000_001.5, math.inf(f32)));
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x4(-10_000_002.1, -math.inf(f32), 10_000_001.5, math.inf(f32)));
v = floor(f32x4(-math.snan(f32), math.snan(f32), math.nan(f32), -math.inf(f32)));
try expect(math.isNan(v[0]));
try expect(math.isNan(v[1]));
try expect(math.isNan(v[2]));
try expect(v[3] == -math.inf(f32));
v = floor(f32x4(1000.5001, -201.499, -10000.99, 100.75001));
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x4(1000.0, -202.0, -10001.0, 100.0));
v = floor(f32x4(-7_388_609.5, 7_388_609.1, 8_388_109.5, -8_388_509.5));
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x4(-7_388_610.0, 7_388_609.0, 8_388_109.0, -8_388_510.0));
var f: f32 = -100.0;
var i: u32 = 0;
while (i < 100) : (i += 1) {
const vr = floor(splat(F32x4, f));
const fr = @floor(splat(F32x4, f));
const vr8 = floor(splat(F32x8, f));
const fr8 = @floor(splat(F32x8, f));
const vr16 = floor(splat(F32x16, f));
const fr16 = @floor(splat(F32x16, f));
try expectVecEqual(vr, fr);
try expectVecEqual(vr8, fr8);
try expectVecEqual(vr16, fr16);
f += 0.12345 * @as(f32, @floatFromInt(i));
pub fn ceil(v: anytype) @TypeOf(v) {
const T = @TypeOf(v);
if (cpu_arch == .x86_64 and has_avx) {
if (T == F32x4) {
return asm ("vroundps $2, %%xmm0, %%xmm0"
: [ret] "={xmm0}" (-> T),
: [v] "{xmm0}" (v),
} else if (T == F32x8) {
return asm ("vroundps $2, %%ymm0, %%ymm0"
: [ret] "={ymm0}" (-> T),
: [v] "{ymm0}" (v),
} else if (T == F32x16 and has_avx512f) {
return asm ("vrndscaleps $2, %%zmm0, %%zmm0"
: [ret] "={zmm0}" (-> T),
: [v] "{zmm0}" (v),
} else if (T == F32x16 and !has_avx512f) {
const arr: [16]f32 = v;
var ymm0 = @as(F32x8, arr[0..8].*);
var ymm1 = @as(F32x8, arr[8..16].*);
ymm0 = asm ("vroundps $2, %%ymm0, %%ymm0"
: [ret] "={ymm0}" (-> F32x8),
: [v] "{ymm0}" (ymm0),
ymm1 = asm ("vroundps $2, %%ymm1, %%ymm1"
: [ret] "={ymm1}" (-> F32x8),
: [v] "{ymm1}" (ymm1),
return @shuffle(f32, ymm0, ymm1, [16]i32{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8 });
} else {
const mask = abs(v) < splatNoFraction(T);
var result = floatToIntAndBack(v);
const smaller_mask = result < v;
const smaller = select(smaller_mask, splat(T, -1.0), splat(T, 0.0));
result = result - smaller;
return select(mask, result, v);
test "zmath.ceil" {
try expect(all(ceil(splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32))) == splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32)), 0));
try expect(all(ceil(splat(F32x4, -math.inf(f32))) == splat(F32x4, -math.inf(f32)), 0));
try expect(all(isNan(ceil(splat(F32x4, math.nan(f32)))), 0));
try expect(all(isNan(ceil(splat(F32x4, -math.nan(f32)))), 0));
try expect(all(isNan(ceil(splat(F32x4, math.snan(f32)))), 0));
try expect(all(isNan(ceil(splat(F32x4, -math.snan(f32)))), 0));
const v = ceil(f32x16(1.1, -1.1, -1.5, 1.5, 2.1, 2.8, 2.9, 4.1, 5.8, 6.1, 7.9, 8.9, 10.1, 11.2, 12.7, 13.1));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(
f32x16(2.0, -1.0, -1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0),
var v = ceil(f32x4(1.5, -1.5, -1.7, -2.1));
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x4(2.0, -1.0, -1.0, -2.0));
v = ceil(f32x4(-10_000_002.1, -math.inf(f32), 10_000_001.5, math.inf(f32)));
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x4(-10_000_002.1, -math.inf(f32), 10_000_001.5, math.inf(f32)));
v = ceil(f32x4(-math.snan(f32), math.snan(f32), math.nan(f32), -math.inf(f32)));
try expect(math.isNan(v[0]));
try expect(math.isNan(v[1]));
try expect(math.isNan(v[2]));
try expect(v[3] == -math.inf(f32));
v = ceil(f32x4(1000.5001, -201.499, -10000.99, 100.75001));
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x4(1001.0, -201.0, -10000.0, 101.0));
v = ceil(f32x4(-1_388_609.5, 1_388_609.1, 1_388_109.9, -1_388_509.9));
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x4(-1_388_609.0, 1_388_610.0, 1_388_110.0, -1_388_509.0));
var f: f32 = -100.0;
var i: u32 = 0;
while (i < 100) : (i += 1) {
const vr = ceil(splat(F32x4, f));
const fr = @ceil(splat(F32x4, f));
const vr8 = ceil(splat(F32x8, f));
const fr8 = @ceil(splat(F32x8, f));
const vr16 = ceil(splat(F32x16, f));
const fr16 = @ceil(splat(F32x16, f));
try expectVecEqual(vr, fr);
try expectVecEqual(vr8, fr8);
try expectVecEqual(vr16, fr16);
f += 0.12345 * @as(f32, @floatFromInt(i));
pub inline fn clamp(v: anytype, vmin: anytype, vmax: anytype) @TypeOf(v, vmin, vmax) {
var result = max(vmin, v);
result = min(vmax, result);
return result;
test "zmath.clamp" {
// Calling math.inf causes test to fail!
if ( == .macos and == .aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest;
const v0 = f32x4(-1.0, 0.2, 1.1, -0.3);
const v = clamp(v0, splat(F32x4, -0.5), splat(F32x4, 0.5));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(v, f32x4(-0.5, 0.2, 0.5, -0.3), 0.0001);
const v0 = f32x8(-2.0, 0.25, -0.25, 100.0, -1.0, 0.2, 1.1, -0.3);
const v = clamp(v0, splat(F32x8, -0.5), splat(F32x8, 0.5));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(v, f32x8(-0.5, 0.25, -0.25, 0.5, -0.5, 0.2, 0.5, -0.3), 0.0001);
const v0 = f32x4(-math.inf(f32), math.inf(f32), math.nan(f32), math.snan(f32));
const v = clamp(v0, f32x4(-100.0, 0.0, -100.0, 0.0), f32x4(0.0, 100.0, 0.0, 100.0));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(v, f32x4(-100.0, 100.0, -100.0, 0.0), 0.0001);
const v0 = f32x4(math.inf(f32), math.inf(f32), -math.nan(f32), -math.snan(f32));
const v = clamp(v0, splat(F32x4, -1.0), splat(F32x4, 1.0));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(v, f32x4(1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0), 0.0001);
pub inline fn clampFast(v: anytype, vmin: anytype, vmax: anytype) @TypeOf(v, vmin, vmax) {
var result = maxFast(vmin, v);
result = minFast(vmax, result);
return result;
test "zmath.clampFast" {
const v0 = f32x4(-1.0, 0.2, 1.1, -0.3);
const v = clampFast(v0, splat(F32x4, -0.5), splat(F32x4, 0.5));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(v, f32x4(-0.5, 0.2, 0.5, -0.3), 0.0001);
pub inline fn saturate(v: anytype) @TypeOf(v) {
const T = @TypeOf(v);
var result = max(v, splat(T, 0.0));
result = min(result, splat(T, 1.0));
return result;
test "zmath.saturate" {
// Calling math.inf causes test to fail!
if ( == .macos and == .aarch64) return error.SkipZigTest;
const v0 = f32x4(-1.0, 0.2, 1.1, -0.3);
const v = saturate(v0);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(v, f32x4(0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 0.0), 0.0001);
const v0 = f32x8(0.0, 0.0, 2.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.2, 1.1, -0.3);
const v = saturate(v0);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(v, f32x8(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 0.0), 0.0001);
const v0 = f32x4(-math.inf(f32), math.inf(f32), math.nan(f32), math.snan(f32));
const v = saturate(v0);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(v, f32x4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.0001);
const v0 = f32x4(math.inf(f32), math.inf(f32), -math.nan(f32), -math.snan(f32));
const v = saturate(v0);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(v, f32x4(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.0001);
pub inline fn saturateFast(v: anytype) @TypeOf(v) {
const T = @TypeOf(v);
var result = maxFast(v, splat(T, 0.0));
result = minFast(result, splat(T, 1.0));
return result;
test "zmath.saturateFast" {
const v0 = f32x4(-1.0, 0.2, 1.1, -0.3);
const v = saturateFast(v0);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(v, f32x4(0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 0.0), 0.0001);
const v0 = f32x8(0.0, 0.0, 2.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.2, 1.1, -0.3);
const v = saturateFast(v0);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(v, f32x8(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, 1.0, 0.0), 0.0001);
const v0 = f32x4(-math.inf(f32), math.inf(f32), math.nan(f32), math.snan(f32));
const v = saturateFast(v0);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(v, f32x4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.0001);
const v0 = f32x4(math.inf(f32), math.inf(f32), -math.nan(f32), -math.snan(f32));
const v = saturateFast(v0);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(v, f32x4(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.0001);
pub inline fn sqrt(v: anytype) @TypeOf(v) {
return @sqrt(v); // sqrtps
pub inline fn abs(v: anytype) @TypeOf(v) {
return @abs(v); // load, andps
pub inline fn select(mask: anytype, v0: anytype, v1: anytype) @TypeOf(v0, v1) {
return @select(f32, mask, v0, v1);
pub inline fn lerp(v0: anytype, v1: anytype, t: f32) @TypeOf(v0, v1) {
const T = @TypeOf(v0, v1);
return v0 + (v1 - v0) * splat(T, t); // subps, shufps, addps, mulps
pub inline fn lerpV(v0: anytype, v1: anytype, t: anytype) @TypeOf(v0, v1, t) {
return v0 + (v1 - v0) * t; // subps, addps, mulps
pub inline fn lerpInverse(v0: anytype, v1: anytype, t: anytype) @TypeOf(v0, v1) {
const T = @TypeOf(v0, v1);
return (splat(T, t) - v0) / (v1 - v0);
pub inline fn lerpInverseV(v0: anytype, v1: anytype, t: anytype) @TypeOf(v0, v1, t) {
return (t - v0) / (v1 - v0);
test "zmath.lerpInverse" {
try expect(math.approxEqAbs(f32, lerpInverseV(10.0, 100.0, 10.0), 0, 0.0005));
try expect(math.approxEqAbs(f32, lerpInverseV(10.0, 100.0, 100.0), 1, 0.0005));
try expect(math.approxEqAbs(f32, lerpInverseV(10.0, 100.0, 55.0), 0.5, 0.05));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(lerpInverse(f32x4(0, 0, 10, 10), f32x4(100, 200, 100, 100), 10.0), f32x4(0.1, 0.05, 0, 0), 0.0005);
// Frame rate independent lerp (or "damp"), for approaching things over time.
// Reference:
pub inline fn lerpOverTime(v0: anytype, v1: anytype, rate: anytype, dt: anytype) @TypeOf(v0, v1) {
const t = std.math.exp2(-rate * dt);
return lerp(v0, v1, t);
pub inline fn lerpVOverTime(v0: anytype, v1: anytype, rate: anytype, dt: anytype) @TypeOf(v0, v1, rate, dt) {
const t = std.math.exp2(-rate * dt);
return lerpV(v0, v1, t);
test "zmath.lerpOverTime" {
try expect(math.approxEqAbs(f32, lerpVOverTime(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 0.5, 0.0005));
try expect(math.approxEqAbs(f32, lerpVOverTime(0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 0.75, 0.0005));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(lerpOverTime(f32x4(0, 0, 10, 10), f32x4(100, 200, 100, 100), 1.0, 1.0), f32x4(50, 100, 55, 55), 0.0005);
/// To transform a vector of values from one range to another.
pub inline fn mapLinear(v: anytype, min1: anytype, max1: anytype, min2: anytype, max2: anytype) @TypeOf(v) {
const T = @TypeOf(v);
const min1V = splat(T, min1);
const max1V = splat(T, max1);
const min2V = splat(T, min2);
const max2V = splat(T, max2);
const dV = max1V - min1V;
return min2V + (v - min1V) * (max2V - min2V) / dV;
pub inline fn mapLinearV(v: anytype, min1: anytype, max1: anytype, min2: anytype, max2: anytype) @TypeOf(v, min1, max1, min2, max2) {
const d = max1 - min1;
return min2 + (v - min1) * (max2 - min2) / d;
test "zmath.mapLinear" {
try expect(math.approxEqAbs(f32, mapLinearV(0, 0, 1.2, 10, 100), 10, 0.0005));
try expect(math.approxEqAbs(f32, mapLinearV(1.2, 0, 1.2, 10, 100), 100, 0.0005));
try expect(math.approxEqAbs(f32, mapLinearV(0.6, 0, 1.2, 10, 100), 55, 0.0005));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(mapLinearV(splat(F32x4, 0), splat(F32x4, 0), splat(F32x4, 1.2), splat(F32x4, 10), splat(F32x4, 100)), splat(F32x4, 10), 0.0005);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(mapLinear(f32x4(0, 0, 0.6, 1.2), 0, 1.2, 10, 100), f32x4(10, 10, 55, 100), 0.0005);
pub const F32x4Component = enum { x, y, z, w };
pub inline fn swizzle(
v: F32x4,
comptime x: F32x4Component,
comptime y: F32x4Component,
comptime z: F32x4Component,
comptime w: F32x4Component,
) F32x4 {
return @shuffle(f32, v, undefined, [4]i32{ @intFromEnum(x), @intFromEnum(y), @intFromEnum(z), @intFromEnum(w) });
pub inline fn mod(v0: anytype, v1: anytype) @TypeOf(v0, v1) {
// vdivps, vroundps, vmulps, vsubps
return v0 - v1 * trunc(v0 / v1);
test "zmath.mod" {
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(mod(splat(F32x4, 3.1), splat(F32x4, 1.7)), splat(F32x4, 1.4), 0.0005);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(mod(splat(F32x4, -3.0), splat(F32x4, 2.0)), splat(F32x4, -1.0), 0.0005);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(mod(splat(F32x4, -3.0), splat(F32x4, -2.0)), splat(F32x4, -1.0), 0.0005);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(mod(splat(F32x4, 3.0), splat(F32x4, -2.0)), splat(F32x4, 1.0), 0.0005);
try expect(all(isNan(mod(splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32)), splat(F32x4, 1.0))), 0));
try expect(all(isNan(mod(splat(F32x4, -math.inf(f32)), splat(F32x4, 123.456))), 0));
try expect(all(isNan(mod(splat(F32x4, math.nan(f32)), splat(F32x4, 123.456))), 0));
try expect(all(isNan(mod(splat(F32x4, math.snan(f32)), splat(F32x4, 123.456))), 0));
try expect(all(isNan(mod(splat(F32x4, -math.snan(f32)), splat(F32x4, 123.456))), 0));
try expect(all(isNan(mod(splat(F32x4, 123.456), splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32)))), 0));
try expect(all(isNan(mod(splat(F32x4, 123.456), splat(F32x4, -math.inf(f32)))), 0));
try expect(all(isNan(mod(splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32)), splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32)))), 0));
try expect(all(isNan(mod(splat(F32x4, 123.456), splat(F32x4, math.nan(f32)))), 0));
try expect(all(isNan(mod(splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32)), splat(F32x4, math.nan(f32)))), 0));
pub fn modAngle(v: anytype) @TypeOf(v) {
const T = @TypeOf(v);
return switch (T) {
f32 => modAngle32(v),
F32x4, F32x8, F32x16 => modAngle32xN(v),
else => @compileError("zmath.modAngle() not implemented for " ++ @typeName(T)),
pub inline fn modAngle32xN(v: anytype) @TypeOf(v) {
const T = @TypeOf(v);
return v - splat(T, math.tau) * round(v * splat(T, 1.0 / math.tau)); // 2 x vmulps, 2 x load, vroundps, vaddps
test "zmath.modAngle" {
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(modAngle(splat(F32x4, math.tau)), splat(F32x4, 0.0), 0.0005);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(modAngle(splat(F32x4, 0.0)), splat(F32x4, 0.0), 0.0005);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(modAngle(splat(F32x4, math.pi)), splat(F32x4, math.pi), 0.0005);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(modAngle(splat(F32x4, 11 * math.pi)), splat(F32x4, math.pi), 0.0005);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(modAngle(splat(F32x4, 3.5 * math.pi)), splat(F32x4, -0.5 * math.pi), 0.0005);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(modAngle(splat(F32x4, 2.5 * math.pi)), splat(F32x4, 0.5 * math.pi), 0.0005);
pub inline fn mulAdd(v0: anytype, v1: anytype, v2: anytype) @TypeOf(v0, v1, v2) {
const T = @TypeOf(v0, v1, v2);
if (@import("zmath_options").enable_cross_platform_determinism) {
return v0 * v1 + v2; // Compiler will generate mul, add sequence (no fma even if the target supports it).
} else {
if (cpu_arch == .x86_64 and has_avx and has_fma) {
return @mulAdd(T, v0, v1, v2);
} else {
// NOTE(mziulek): On .x86_64 without HW fma instructions @mulAdd maps to really slow code!
return v0 * v1 + v2;
fn sin32xN(v: anytype) @TypeOf(v) {
// 11-degree minimax approximation
const T = @TypeOf(v);
var x = modAngle(v);
const sign = andInt(x, splatNegativeZero(T));
const c = orInt(sign, splat(T, math.pi));
const absx = andNotInt(sign, x);
const rflx = c - x;
const comp = absx <= splat(T, 0.5 * math.pi);
x = select(comp, x, rflx);
const x2 = x * x;
var result = mulAdd(splat(T, -2.3889859e-08), x2, splat(T, 2.7525562e-06));
result = mulAdd(result, x2, splat(T, -0.00019840874));
result = mulAdd(result, x2, splat(T, 0.0083333310));
result = mulAdd(result, x2, splat(T, -0.16666667));
result = mulAdd(result, x2, splat(T, 1.0));
return x * result;
test "zmath.sin" {
const epsilon = 0.0001;
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(sin(splat(F32x4, 0.5 * math.pi)), splat(F32x4, 1.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(sin(splat(F32x4, 0.0)), splat(F32x4, 0.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(sin(splat(F32x4, -0.0)), splat(F32x4, -0.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(sin(splat(F32x4, 89.123)), splat(F32x4, 0.916166), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(sin(splat(F32x8, 89.123)), splat(F32x8, 0.916166), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(sin(splat(F32x16, 89.123)), splat(F32x16, 0.916166), epsilon);
try expect(all(isNan(sin(splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32)))), 0) == true);
try expect(all(isNan(sin(splat(F32x4, -math.inf(f32)))), 0) == true);
try expect(all(isNan(sin(splat(F32x4, math.nan(f32)))), 0) == true);
try expect(all(isNan(sin(splat(F32x4, math.snan(f32)))), 0) == true);
var f: f32 = -100.0;
var i: u32 = 0;
while (i < 100) : (i += 1) {
const vr = sin(splat(F32x4, f));
const fr = @sin(splat(F32x4, f));
const vr8 = sin(splat(F32x8, f));
const fr8 = @sin(splat(F32x8, f));
const vr16 = sin(splat(F32x16, f));
const fr16 = @sin(splat(F32x16, f));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(vr, fr, epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(vr8, fr8, epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(vr16, fr16, epsilon);
f += 0.12345 * @as(f32, @floatFromInt(i));
fn cos32xN(v: anytype) @TypeOf(v) {
// 10-degree minimax approximation
const T = @TypeOf(v);
var x = modAngle(v);
var sign = andInt(x, splatNegativeZero(T));
const c = orInt(sign, splat(T, math.pi));
const absx = andNotInt(sign, x);
const rflx = c - x;
const comp = absx <= splat(T, 0.5 * math.pi);
x = select(comp, x, rflx);
sign = select(comp, splat(T, 1.0), splat(T, -1.0));
const x2 = x * x;
var result = mulAdd(splat(T, -2.6051615e-07), x2, splat(T, 2.4760495e-05));
result = mulAdd(result, x2, splat(T, -0.0013888378));
result = mulAdd(result, x2, splat(T, 0.041666638));
result = mulAdd(result, x2, splat(T, -0.5));
result = mulAdd(result, x2, splat(T, 1.0));
return sign * result;
test "zmath.cos" {
const epsilon = 0.0001;
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(cos(splat(F32x4, 0.5 * math.pi)), splat(F32x4, 0.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(cos(splat(F32x4, 0.0)), splat(F32x4, 1.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(cos(splat(F32x4, -0.0)), splat(F32x4, 1.0), epsilon);
try expect(all(isNan(cos(splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32)))), 0) == true);
try expect(all(isNan(cos(splat(F32x4, -math.inf(f32)))), 0) == true);
try expect(all(isNan(cos(splat(F32x4, math.nan(f32)))), 0) == true);
try expect(all(isNan(cos(splat(F32x4, math.snan(f32)))), 0) == true);
var f: f32 = -100.0;
var i: u32 = 0;
while (i < 100) : (i += 1) {
const vr = cos(splat(F32x4, f));
const fr = @cos(splat(F32x4, f));
const vr8 = cos(splat(F32x8, f));
const fr8 = @cos(splat(F32x8, f));
const vr16 = cos(splat(F32x16, f));
const fr16 = @cos(splat(F32x16, f));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(vr, fr, epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(vr8, fr8, epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(vr16, fr16, epsilon);
f += 0.12345 * @as(f32, @floatFromInt(i));
pub fn sin(v: anytype) @TypeOf(v) {
const T = @TypeOf(v);
return switch (T) {
f32 => sin32(v),
F32x4, F32x8, F32x16 => sin32xN(v),
else => @compileError("zmath.sin() not implemented for " ++ @typeName(T)),
pub fn cos(v: anytype) @TypeOf(v) {
const T = @TypeOf(v);
return switch (T) {
f32 => cos32(v),
F32x4, F32x8, F32x16 => cos32xN(v),
else => @compileError("zmath.cos() not implemented for " ++ @typeName(T)),
pub fn sincos(v: anytype) [2]@TypeOf(v) {
const T = @TypeOf(v);
return switch (T) {
f32 => sincos32(v),
F32x4, F32x8, F32x16 => sincos32xN(v),
else => @compileError("zmath.sincos() not implemented for " ++ @typeName(T)),
pub fn asin(v: anytype) @TypeOf(v) {
const T = @TypeOf(v);
return switch (T) {
f32 => asin32(v),
F32x4, F32x8, F32x16 => asin32xN(v),
else => @compileError("zmath.asin() not implemented for " ++ @typeName(T)),
pub fn acos(v: anytype) @TypeOf(v) {
const T = @TypeOf(v);
return switch (T) {
f32 => acos32(v),
F32x4, F32x8, F32x16 => acos32xN(v),
else => @compileError("zmath.acos() not implemented for " ++ @typeName(T)),
fn sincos32xN(v: anytype) [2]@TypeOf(v) {
const T = @TypeOf(v);
var x = modAngle(v);
var sign = andInt(x, splatNegativeZero(T));
const c = orInt(sign, splat(T, math.pi));
const absx = andNotInt(sign, x);
const rflx = c - x;
const comp = absx <= splat(T, 0.5 * math.pi);
x = select(comp, x, rflx);
sign = select(comp, splat(T, 1.0), splat(T, -1.0));
const x2 = x * x;
var sresult = mulAdd(splat(T, -2.3889859e-08), x2, splat(T, 2.7525562e-06));
sresult = mulAdd(sresult, x2, splat(T, -0.00019840874));
sresult = mulAdd(sresult, x2, splat(T, 0.0083333310));
sresult = mulAdd(sresult, x2, splat(T, -0.16666667));
sresult = x * mulAdd(sresult, x2, splat(T, 1.0));
var cresult = mulAdd(splat(T, -2.6051615e-07), x2, splat(T, 2.4760495e-05));
cresult = mulAdd(cresult, x2, splat(T, -0.0013888378));
cresult = mulAdd(cresult, x2, splat(T, 0.041666638));
cresult = mulAdd(cresult, x2, splat(T, -0.5));
cresult = sign * mulAdd(cresult, x2, splat(T, 1.0));
return .{ sresult, cresult };
test "zmath.sincos32xN" {
const epsilon = 0.0001;
var f: f32 = -100.0;
var i: u32 = 0;
while (i < 100) : (i += 1) {
const sc = sincos(splat(F32x4, f));
const sc8 = sincos(splat(F32x8, f));
const sc16 = sincos(splat(F32x16, f));
const s4 = @sin(splat(F32x4, f));
const s8 = @sin(splat(F32x8, f));
const s16 = @sin(splat(F32x16, f));
const c4 = @cos(splat(F32x4, f));
const c8 = @cos(splat(F32x8, f));
const c16 = @cos(splat(F32x16, f));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(sc[0], s4, epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(sc8[0], s8, epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(sc16[0], s16, epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(sc[1], c4, epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(sc8[1], c8, epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(sc16[1], c16, epsilon);
f += 0.12345 * @as(f32, @floatFromInt(i));
fn asin32xN(v: anytype) @TypeOf(v) {
// 7-degree minimax approximation
const T = @TypeOf(v);
const x = abs(v);
const root = sqrt(maxFast(splat(T, 0.0), splat(T, 1.0) - x));
var t0 = mulAdd(splat(T, -0.0012624911), x, splat(T, 0.0066700901));
t0 = mulAdd(t0, x, splat(T, -0.0170881256));
t0 = mulAdd(t0, x, splat(T, 0.0308918810));
t0 = mulAdd(t0, x, splat(T, -0.0501743046));
t0 = mulAdd(t0, x, splat(T, 0.0889789874));
t0 = mulAdd(t0, x, splat(T, -0.2145988016));
t0 = root * mulAdd(t0, x, splat(T, 1.5707963050));
const t1 = splat(T, math.pi) - t0;
return splat(T, 0.5 * math.pi) - select(v >= splat(T, 0.0), t0, t1);
fn acos32xN(v: anytype) @TypeOf(v) {
// 7-degree minimax approximation
const T = @TypeOf(v);
const x = abs(v);
const root = sqrt(maxFast(splat(T, 0.0), splat(T, 1.0) - x));
var t0 = mulAdd(splat(T, -0.0012624911), x, splat(T, 0.0066700901));
t0 = mulAdd(t0, x, splat(T, -0.0170881256));
t0 = mulAdd(t0, x, splat(T, 0.0308918810));
t0 = mulAdd(t0, x, splat(T, -0.0501743046));
t0 = mulAdd(t0, x, splat(T, 0.0889789874));
t0 = mulAdd(t0, x, splat(T, -0.2145988016));
t0 = root * mulAdd(t0, x, splat(T, 1.5707963050));
const t1 = splat(T, math.pi) - t0;
return select(v >= splat(T, 0.0), t0, t1);
pub fn atan(v: anytype) @TypeOf(v) {
// 17-degree minimax approximation
const T = @TypeOf(v);
const vabs = abs(v);
const vinv = splat(T, 1.0) / v;
var sign = select(v > splat(T, 1.0), splat(T, 1.0), splat(T, -1.0));
const comp = vabs <= splat(T, 1.0);
sign = select(comp, splat(T, 0.0), sign);
const x = select(comp, v, vinv);
const x2 = x * x;
var result = mulAdd(splat(T, 0.0028662257), x2, splat(T, -0.0161657367));
result = mulAdd(result, x2, splat(T, 0.0429096138));
result = mulAdd(result, x2, splat(T, -0.0752896400));
result = mulAdd(result, x2, splat(T, 0.1065626393));
result = mulAdd(result, x2, splat(T, -0.1420889944));
result = mulAdd(result, x2, splat(T, 0.1999355085));
result = mulAdd(result, x2, splat(T, -0.3333314528));
result = x * mulAdd(result, x2, splat(T, 1.0));
const result1 = sign * splat(T, 0.5 * math.pi) - result;
return select(sign == splat(T, 0.0), result, result1);
test "zmath.atan" {
const epsilon = 0.0001;
const v = f32x4(0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 1.25);
const e = f32x4(math.atan(v[0]), math.atan(v[1]), math.atan(v[2]), math.atan(v[3]));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(e, atan(v), epsilon);
const v = f32x8(-0.25, 0.5, -1.0, 1.25, 100.0, -200.0, 300.0, 400.0);
// zig fmt: off
const e = f32x8(
math.atan(v[0]), math.atan(v[1]), math.atan(v[2]), math.atan(v[3]),
math.atan(v[4]), math.atan(v[5]), math.atan(v[6]), math.atan(v[7]),
// zig fmt: on
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(e, atan(v), epsilon);
// zig fmt: off
const v = f32x16(
-0.25, 0.5, -1.0, 0.0, 0.1, -0.2, 30.0, 400.0,
-0.25, 0.5, -1.0, -0.0, -0.05, -0.125, 0.0625, 4000.0
const e = f32x16(
math.atan(v[0]), math.atan(v[1]), math.atan(v[2]), math.atan(v[3]),
math.atan(v[4]), math.atan(v[5]), math.atan(v[6]), math.atan(v[7]),
math.atan(v[8]), math.atan(v[9]), math.atan(v[10]), math.atan(v[11]),
math.atan(v[12]), math.atan(v[13]), math.atan(v[14]), math.atan(v[15]),
// zig fmt: on
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(e, atan(v), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(atan(splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32))), splat(F32x4, 0.5 * math.pi), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(atan(splat(F32x4, -math.inf(f32))), splat(F32x4, -0.5 * math.pi), epsilon);
try expect(all(isNan(atan(splat(F32x4, math.nan(f32)))), 0) == true);
try expect(all(isNan(atan(splat(F32x4, -math.nan(f32)))), 0) == true);
pub fn atan2(vy: anytype, vx: anytype) @TypeOf(vx, vy) {
const T = @TypeOf(vx, vy);
const Tu = @Vector(veclen(T), u32);
const vx_is_positive =
(@as(Tu, @bitCast(vx)) & @as(Tu, @splat(0x8000_0000))) == @as(Tu, @splat(0));
const vy_sign = andInt(vy, splatNegativeZero(T));
const c0_25pi = orInt(vy_sign, @as(T, @splat(0.25 * math.pi)));
const c0_50pi = orInt(vy_sign, @as(T, @splat(0.50 * math.pi)));
const c0_75pi = orInt(vy_sign, @as(T, @splat(0.75 * math.pi)));
const c1_00pi = orInt(vy_sign, @as(T, @splat(1.00 * math.pi)));
var r1 = select(vx_is_positive, vy_sign, c1_00pi);
var r2 = select(vx == splat(T, 0.0), c0_50pi, splatInt(T, 0xffff_ffff));
const r3 = select(vy == splat(T, 0.0), r1, r2);
const r4 = select(vx_is_positive, c0_25pi, c0_75pi);
const r5 = select(isInf(vx), r4, c0_50pi);
const result = select(isInf(vy), r5, r3);
const result_valid = @as(Tu, @bitCast(result)) == @as(Tu, @splat(0xffff_ffff));
const v = vy / vx;
const r0 = atan(v);
r1 = select(vx_is_positive, splatNegativeZero(T), c1_00pi);
r2 = r0 + r1;
return select(result_valid, r2, result);
test "zmath.atan2" {
// From DirectXMath XMVectorATan2():
// Return the inverse tangent of Y / X in the range of -Pi to Pi with the following exceptions:
// Y == 0 and X is Negative -> Pi with the sign of Y
// y == 0 and x is positive -> 0 with the sign of y
// Y != 0 and X == 0 -> Pi / 2 with the sign of Y
// Y != 0 and X is Negative -> atan(y/x) + (PI with the sign of Y)
// X == -Infinity and Finite Y -> Pi with the sign of Y
// X == +Infinity and Finite Y -> 0 with the sign of Y
// Y == Infinity and X is Finite -> Pi / 2 with the sign of Y
// Y == Infinity and X == -Infinity -> 3Pi / 4 with the sign of Y
// Y == Infinity and X == +Infinity -> Pi / 4 with the sign of Y
const epsilon = 0.0001;
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(atan2(splat(F32x4, 0.0), splat(F32x4, -1.0)), splat(F32x4, math.pi), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(atan2(splat(F32x4, -0.0), splat(F32x4, -1.0)), splat(F32x4, -math.pi), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(atan2(splat(F32x4, 1.0), splat(F32x4, 0.0)), splat(F32x4, 0.5 * math.pi), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(atan2(splat(F32x4, -1.0), splat(F32x4, 0.0)), splat(F32x4, -0.5 * math.pi), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(
atan2(splat(F32x4, 1.0), splat(F32x4, -1.0)),
splat(F32x4, math.atan(@as(f32, -1.0)) + math.pi),
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(
atan2(splat(F32x4, -10.0), splat(F32x4, -2.0)),
splat(F32x4, math.atan(@as(f32, 5.0)) - math.pi),
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(atan2(splat(F32x4, 1.0), splat(F32x4, -math.inf(f32))), splat(F32x4, math.pi), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(atan2(splat(F32x4, -1.0), splat(F32x4, -math.inf(f32))), splat(F32x4, -math.pi), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(atan2(splat(F32x4, 1.0), splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32))), splat(F32x4, 0.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(atan2(splat(F32x4, -1.0), splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32))), splat(F32x4, -0.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(
atan2(splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32)), splat(F32x4, 2.0)),
splat(F32x4, 0.5 * math.pi),
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(
atan2(splat(F32x4, -math.inf(f32)), splat(F32x4, 2.0)),
splat(F32x4, -0.5 * math.pi),
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(
atan2(splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32)), splat(F32x4, -math.inf(f32))),
splat(F32x4, 0.75 * math.pi),
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(
atan2(splat(F32x4, -math.inf(f32)), splat(F32x4, -math.inf(f32))),
splat(F32x4, -0.75 * math.pi),
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(
atan2(splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32)), splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32))),
splat(F32x4, 0.25 * math.pi),
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(
atan2(splat(F32x4, -math.inf(f32)), splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32))),
splat(F32x4, -0.25 * math.pi),
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(
f32x8(0.0, -math.inf(f32), -0.0, 2.0, math.inf(f32), math.inf(f32), 1.0, -math.inf(f32)),
f32x8(-2.0, math.inf(f32), 1.0, 0.0, 10.0, -math.inf(f32), 1.0, -math.inf(f32)),
-0.25 * math.pi,
0.5 * math.pi,
0.5 * math.pi,
0.75 * math.pi,
math.atan(@as(f32, 1.0)),
-0.75 * math.pi,
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(atan2(splat(F32x4, 0.0), splat(F32x4, 0.0)), splat(F32x4, 0.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(atan2(splat(F32x4, -0.0), splat(F32x4, 0.0)), splat(F32x4, 0.0), epsilon);
try expect(all(isNan(atan2(splat(F32x4, 1.0), splat(F32x4, math.nan(f32)))), 0) == true);
try expect(all(isNan(atan2(splat(F32x4, -1.0), splat(F32x4, math.nan(f32)))), 0) == true);
try expect(all(isNan(atan2(splat(F32x4, math.nan(f32)), splat(F32x4, -1.0))), 0) == true);
try expect(all(isNan(atan2(splat(F32x4, -math.nan(f32)), splat(F32x4, 1.0))), 0) == true);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 3. 2D, 3D, 4D vector functions
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
pub inline fn dot2(v0: Vec, v1: Vec) F32x4 {
var xmm0 = v0 * v1; // | x0*x1 | y0*y1 | -- | -- |
const xmm1 = swizzle(xmm0, .y, .x, .x, .x); // | y0*y1 | -- | -- | -- |
xmm0 = f32x4(xmm0[0] + xmm1[0], xmm0[1], xmm0[2], xmm0[3]); // | x0*x1 + y0*y1 | -- | -- | -- |
return swizzle(xmm0, .x, .x, .x, .x);
test "zmath.dot2" {
const v0 = f32x4(-1.0, 2.0, 300.0, -2.0);
const v1 = f32x4(4.0, 5.0, 600.0, 2.0);
const v = dot2(v0, v1);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(v, splat(F32x4, 6.0), 0.0001);
pub inline fn dot3(v0: Vec, v1: Vec) F32x4 {
const dot = v0 * v1;
return f32x4s(dot[0] + dot[1] + dot[2]);
test "zmath.dot3" {
const v0 = f32x4(-1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0);
const v1 = f32x4(4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 1.0);
const v = dot3(v0, v1);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(v, splat(F32x4, 24.0), 0.0001);
pub inline fn dot4(v0: Vec, v1: Vec) F32x4 {
var xmm0 = v0 * v1; // | x0*x1 | y0*y1 | z0*z1 | w0*w1 |
var xmm1 = swizzle(xmm0, .y, .x, .w, .x); // | y0*y1 | -- | w0*w1 | -- |
xmm1 = xmm0 + xmm1; // | x0*x1 + y0*y1 | -- | z0*z1 + w0*w1 | -- |
xmm0 = swizzle(xmm1, .z, .x, .x, .x); // | z0*z1 + w0*w1 | -- | -- | -- |
xmm0 = f32x4(xmm0[0] + xmm1[0], xmm0[1], xmm0[2], xmm0[2]); // addss
return swizzle(xmm0, .x, .x, .x, .x);
test "zmath.dot4" {
const v0 = f32x4(-1.0, 2.0, 3.0, -2.0);
const v1 = f32x4(4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 2.0);
const v = dot4(v0, v1);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(v, splat(F32x4, 20.0), 0.0001);
pub inline fn cross3(v0: Vec, v1: Vec) Vec {
var xmm0 = swizzle(v0, .y, .z, .x, .w);
var xmm1 = swizzle(v1, .z, .x, .y, .w);
var result = xmm0 * xmm1;
xmm0 = swizzle(xmm0, .y, .z, .x, .w);
xmm1 = swizzle(xmm1, .z, .x, .y, .w);
result = result - xmm0 * xmm1;
return andInt(result, f32x4_mask3);
test "zmath.cross3" {
const v0 = f32x4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
const v1 = f32x4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
const v = cross3(v0, v1);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(v, f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), 0.0001);
const v0 = f32x4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
const v1 = f32x4(0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
const v = cross3(v0, v1);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(v, f32x4(0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0), 0.0001);
const v0 = f32x4(-3.0, 0, -2.0, 1.0);
const v1 = f32x4(5.0, -1.0, 2.0, 1.0);
const v = cross3(v0, v1);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(v, f32x4(-2.0, -4.0, 3.0, 0.0), 0.0001);
pub inline fn lengthSq2(v: Vec) F32x4 {
return dot2(v, v);
pub inline fn lengthSq3(v: Vec) F32x4 {
return dot3(v, v);
pub inline fn lengthSq4(v: Vec) F32x4 {
return dot4(v, v);
pub inline fn length2(v: Vec) F32x4 {
return sqrt(dot2(v, v));
pub inline fn length3(v: Vec) F32x4 {
return sqrt(dot3(v, v));
pub inline fn length4(v: Vec) F32x4 {
return sqrt(dot4(v, v));
test "zmath.length3" {
const v = length3(f32x4(1.0, -2.0, 3.0, 1000.0));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(v, splat(F32x4, math.sqrt(14.0)), 0.001);
const v = length3(f32x4(1.0, math.nan(f32), math.nan(f32), 1000.0));
try expect(all(isNan(v), 0));
const v = length3(f32x4(1.0, math.inf(f32), 3.0, 1000.0));
try expect(all(isInf(v), 0));
const v = length3(f32x4(3.0, 2.0, 1.0, math.nan(f32)));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(v, splat(F32x4, math.sqrt(14.0)), 0.001);
pub inline fn normalize2(v: Vec) Vec {
return v * splat(F32x4, 1.0) / sqrt(dot2(v, v));
pub inline fn normalize3(v: Vec) Vec {
return v * splat(F32x4, 1.0) / sqrt(dot3(v, v));
pub inline fn normalize4(v: Vec) Vec {
return v * splat(F32x4, 1.0) / sqrt(dot4(v, v));
test "zmath.normalize3" {
const v0 = f32x4(1.0, -2.0, 3.0, 1000.0);
const v = normalize3(v0);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(v, v0 * splat(F32x4, 1.0 / math.sqrt(14.0)), 0.0005);
try expect(any(isNan(normalize3(f32x4(1.0, math.inf(f32), 1.0, 1.0))), 0));
try expect(any(isNan(normalize3(f32x4(-math.inf(f32), math.inf(f32), 0.0, 0.0))), 0));
try expect(any(isNan(normalize3(f32x4(-math.nan(f32), math.snan(f32), 0.0, 0.0))), 0));
try expect(any(isNan(normalize3(f32x4(0, 0, 0, 0))), 0));
test "zmath.normalize4" {
const v0 = f32x4(1.0, -2.0, 3.0, 10.0);
const v = normalize4(v0);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(v, v0 * splat(F32x4, 1.0 / math.sqrt(114.0)), 0.0005);
try expect(any(isNan(normalize4(f32x4(1.0, math.inf(f32), 1.0, 1.0))), 0));
try expect(any(isNan(normalize4(f32x4(-math.inf(f32), math.inf(f32), 0.0, 0.0))), 0));
try expect(any(isNan(normalize4(f32x4(-math.nan(f32), math.snan(f32), 0.0, 0.0))), 0));
try expect(any(isNan(normalize4(f32x4(0, 0, 0, 0))), 0));
fn vecMulMat(v: Vec, m: Mat) Vec {
const vx = @shuffle(f32, v, undefined, [4]i32{ 0, 0, 0, 0 });
const vy = @shuffle(f32, v, undefined, [4]i32{ 1, 1, 1, 1 });
const vz = @shuffle(f32, v, undefined, [4]i32{ 2, 2, 2, 2 });
const vw = @shuffle(f32, v, undefined, [4]i32{ 3, 3, 3, 3 });
return vx * m[0] + vy * m[1] + vz * m[2] + vw * m[3];
fn matMulVec(m: Mat, v: Vec) Vec {
return .{ dot4(m[0], v)[0], dot4(m[1], v)[0], dot4(m[2], v)[0], dot4(m[3], v)[0] };
test "zmath.vecMulMat" {
const m = Mat{
f32x4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
f32x4(2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 1.0),
const vm = mul(f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0), m);
const mv = mul(m, f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0));
const v = mul(transpose(m), f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(vm, f32x4(3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 1.0), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(mv, f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 21.0), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(v, f32x4(3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 1.0), 0.0001);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 4. Matrix functions
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
pub fn identity() Mat {
const static = struct {
const identity = Mat{
f32x4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
return static.identity;
pub fn matFromArr(arr: [16]f32) Mat {
return Mat{
f32x4(arr[0], arr[1], arr[2], arr[3]),
f32x4(arr[4], arr[5], arr[6], arr[7]),
f32x4(arr[8], arr[9], arr[10], arr[11]),
f32x4(arr[12], arr[13], arr[14], arr[15]),
fn mulRetType(comptime Ta: type, comptime Tb: type) type {
if (Ta == Mat and Tb == Mat) {
return Mat;
} else if ((Ta == f32 and Tb == Mat) or (Ta == Mat and Tb == f32)) {
return Mat;
} else if ((Ta == Vec and Tb == Mat) or (Ta == Mat and Tb == Vec)) {
return Vec;
@compileError("zmath.mul() not implemented for types: " ++ @typeName(Ta) ++ @typeName(Tb));
pub fn mul(a: anytype, b: anytype) mulRetType(@TypeOf(a), @TypeOf(b)) {
const Ta = @TypeOf(a);
const Tb = @TypeOf(b);
if (Ta == Mat and Tb == Mat) {
return mulMat(a, b);
} else if (Ta == f32 and Tb == Mat) {
const va = splat(F32x4, a);
return Mat{ va * b[0], va * b[1], va * b[2], va * b[3] };
} else if (Ta == Mat and Tb == f32) {
const vb = splat(F32x4, b);
return Mat{ a[0] * vb, a[1] * vb, a[2] * vb, a[3] * vb };
} else if (Ta == Vec and Tb == Mat) {
return vecMulMat(a, b);
} else if (Ta == Mat and Tb == Vec) {
return matMulVec(a, b);
} else {
@compileError("zmath.mul() not implemented for types: " ++ @typeName(Ta) ++ ", " ++ @typeName(Tb));
test "zmath.mul" {
const m = Mat{
f32x4(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4),
f32x4(0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8),
f32x4(0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2),
f32x4(1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6),
const ms = mul(@as(f32, 2.0), m);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(ms[0], f32x4(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(ms[1], f32x4(1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(ms[2], f32x4(1.8, 2.0, 2.2, 2.4), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(ms[3], f32x4(2.6, 2.8, 3.0, 3.2), 0.0001);
fn mulMat(m0: Mat, m1: Mat) Mat {
var result: Mat = undefined;
comptime var row: u32 = 0;
inline while (row < 4) : (row += 1) {
const vx = swizzle(m0[row], .x, .x, .x, .x);
const vy = swizzle(m0[row], .y, .y, .y, .y);
const vz = swizzle(m0[row], .z, .z, .z, .z);
const vw = swizzle(m0[row], .w, .w, .w, .w);
result[row] = mulAdd(vx, m1[0], vz * m1[2]) + mulAdd(vy, m1[1], vw * m1[3]);
return result;
test "zmath.matrix.mul" {
const a = Mat{
f32x4(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4),
f32x4(0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8),
f32x4(0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2),
f32x4(1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6),
const b = Mat{
f32x4(1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0),
f32x4(2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4),
f32x4(2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8),
f32x4(2.9, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2),
const c = mul(a, b);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(c[0], f32x4(2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(c[1], f32x4(6.18, 6.44, 6.7, 6.96), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(c[2], f32x4(9.86, 10.28, 10.7, 11.12), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(c[3], f32x4(13.54, 14.12, 14.7, 15.28), 0.0001);
pub fn transpose(m: Mat) Mat {
const temp1 = @shuffle(f32, m[0], m[1], [4]i32{ 0, 1, ~@as(i32, 0), ~@as(i32, 1) });
const temp3 = @shuffle(f32, m[0], m[1], [4]i32{ 2, 3, ~@as(i32, 2), ~@as(i32, 3) });
const temp2 = @shuffle(f32, m[2], m[3], [4]i32{ 0, 1, ~@as(i32, 0), ~@as(i32, 1) });
const temp4 = @shuffle(f32, m[2], m[3], [4]i32{ 2, 3, ~@as(i32, 2), ~@as(i32, 3) });
return .{
@shuffle(f32, temp1, temp2, [4]i32{ 0, 2, ~@as(i32, 0), ~@as(i32, 2) }),
@shuffle(f32, temp1, temp2, [4]i32{ 1, 3, ~@as(i32, 1), ~@as(i32, 3) }),
@shuffle(f32, temp3, temp4, [4]i32{ 0, 2, ~@as(i32, 0), ~@as(i32, 2) }),
@shuffle(f32, temp3, temp4, [4]i32{ 1, 3, ~@as(i32, 1), ~@as(i32, 3) }),
test "zmath.matrix.transpose" {
const m = Mat{
f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0),
f32x4(5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0),
f32x4(9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0),
f32x4(13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0),
const mt = transpose(m);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(mt[0], f32x4(1.0, 5.0, 9.0, 13.0), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(mt[1], f32x4(2.0, 6.0, 10.0, 14.0), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(mt[2], f32x4(3.0, 7.0, 11.0, 15.0), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(mt[3], f32x4(4.0, 8.0, 12.0, 16.0), 0.0001);
pub fn rotationX(angle: f32) Mat {
const sc = sincos(angle);
return .{
f32x4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, sc[1], sc[0], 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, -sc[0], sc[1], 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
pub fn rotationY(angle: f32) Mat {
const sc = sincos(angle);
return .{
f32x4(sc[1], 0.0, -sc[0], 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(sc[0], 0.0, sc[1], 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
pub fn rotationZ(angle: f32) Mat {
const sc = sincos(angle);
return .{
f32x4(sc[1], sc[0], 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(-sc[0], sc[1], 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
pub fn translation(x: f32, y: f32, z: f32) Mat {
return .{
f32x4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
f32x4(x, y, z, 1.0),
pub fn translationV(v: Vec) Mat {
return translation(v[0], v[1], v[2]);
pub fn scaling(x: f32, y: f32, z: f32) Mat {
return .{
f32x4(x, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, y, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, z, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
pub fn scalingV(v: Vec) Mat {
return scaling(v[0], v[1], v[2]);
pub fn lookToLh(eyepos: Vec, eyedir: Vec, updir: Vec) Mat {
const az = normalize3(eyedir);
const ax = normalize3(cross3(updir, az));
const ay = normalize3(cross3(az, ax));
return .{
f32x4(ax[0], ay[0], az[0], 0),
f32x4(ax[1], ay[1], az[1], 0),
f32x4(ax[2], ay[2], az[2], 0),
f32x4(-dot3(ax, eyepos)[0], -dot3(ay, eyepos)[0], -dot3(az, eyepos)[0], 1.0),
pub fn lookToRh(eyepos: Vec, eyedir: Vec, updir: Vec) Mat {
return lookToLh(eyepos, -eyedir, updir);
pub fn lookAtLh(eyepos: Vec, focuspos: Vec, updir: Vec) Mat {
return lookToLh(eyepos, focuspos - eyepos, updir);
pub fn lookAtRh(eyepos: Vec, focuspos: Vec, updir: Vec) Mat {
return lookToLh(eyepos, eyepos - focuspos, updir);
test "zmath.matrix.lookToLh" {
const m = lookToLh(f32x4(0.0, 0.0, -3.0, 1.0), f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), f32x4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m[0], f32x4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m[1], f32x4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m[2], f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), 0.001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m[3], f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 1.0), 0.001);
pub fn perspectiveFovLh(fovy: f32, aspect: f32, near: f32, far: f32) Mat {
const scfov = sincos(0.5 * fovy);
assert(near > 0.0 and far > 0.0);
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, scfov[0], 0.0, 0.001));
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, far, near, 0.001));
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, aspect, 0.0, 0.01));
const h = scfov[1] / scfov[0];
const w = h / aspect;
const r = far / (far - near);
return .{
f32x4(w, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, h, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, r, 1.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, -r * near, 0.0),
pub fn perspectiveFovRh(fovy: f32, aspect: f32, near: f32, far: f32) Mat {
const scfov = sincos(0.5 * fovy);
assert(near > 0.0 and far > 0.0);
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, scfov[0], 0.0, 0.001));
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, far, near, 0.001));
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, aspect, 0.0, 0.01));
const h = scfov[1] / scfov[0];
const w = h / aspect;
const r = far / (near - far);
return .{
f32x4(w, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, h, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, r, -1.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, r * near, 0.0),
// Produces Z values in [-1.0, 1.0] range (OpenGL defaults)
pub fn perspectiveFovLhGl(fovy: f32, aspect: f32, near: f32, far: f32) Mat {
const scfov = sincos(0.5 * fovy);
assert(near > 0.0 and far > 0.0);
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, scfov[0], 0.0, 0.001));
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, far, near, 0.001));
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, aspect, 0.0, 0.01));
const h = scfov[1] / scfov[0];
const w = h / aspect;
const r = far - near;
return .{
f32x4(w, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, h, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, (near + far) / r, 1.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 2.0 * near * far / -r, 0.0),
// Produces Z values in [-1.0, 1.0] range (OpenGL defaults)
pub fn perspectiveFovRhGl(fovy: f32, aspect: f32, near: f32, far: f32) Mat {
const scfov = sincos(0.5 * fovy);
assert(near > 0.0 and far > 0.0);
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, scfov[0], 0.0, 0.001));
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, far, near, 0.001));
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, aspect, 0.0, 0.01));
const h = scfov[1] / scfov[0];
const w = h / aspect;
const r = near - far;
return .{
f32x4(w, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, h, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, (near + far) / r, -1.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 2.0 * near * far / r, 0.0),
pub fn orthographicLh(w: f32, h: f32, near: f32, far: f32) Mat {
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, w, 0.0, 0.001));
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, h, 0.0, 0.001));
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, far, near, 0.001));
const r = 1 / (far - near);
return .{
f32x4(2 / w, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 2 / h, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, r, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, -r * near, 1.0),
pub fn orthographicRh(w: f32, h: f32, near: f32, far: f32) Mat {
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, w, 0.0, 0.001));
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, h, 0.0, 0.001));
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, far, near, 0.001));
const r = 1 / (near - far);
return .{
f32x4(2 / w, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 2 / h, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, r, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, r * near, 1.0),
// Produces Z values in [-1.0, 1.0] range (OpenGL defaults)
pub fn orthographicLhGl(w: f32, h: f32, near: f32, far: f32) Mat {
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, w, 0.0, 0.001));
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, h, 0.0, 0.001));
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, far, near, 0.001));
const r = far - near;
return .{
f32x4(2 / w, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 2 / h, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 2 / r, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, (near + far) / -r, 1.0),
// Produces Z values in [-1.0, 1.0] range (OpenGL defaults)
pub fn orthographicRhGl(w: f32, h: f32, near: f32, far: f32) Mat {
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, w, 0.0, 0.001));
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, h, 0.0, 0.001));
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, far, near, 0.001));
const r = near - far;
return .{
f32x4(2 / w, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 2 / h, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 2 / r, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, (near + far) / r, 1.0),
pub fn orthographicOffCenterLh(left: f32, right: f32, top: f32, bottom: f32, near: f32, far: f32) Mat {
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, far, near, 0.001));
const r = 1 / (far - near);
return .{
f32x4(2 / (right - left), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 2 / (top - bottom), 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, r, 0.0),
f32x4(-(right + left) / (right - left), -(top + bottom) / (top - bottom), -r * near, 1.0),
pub fn orthographicOffCenterRh(left: f32, right: f32, top: f32, bottom: f32, near: f32, far: f32) Mat {
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, far, near, 0.001));
const r = 1 / (near - far);
return .{
f32x4(2 / (right - left), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 2 / (top - bottom), 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, r, 0.0),
f32x4(-(right + left) / (right - left), -(top + bottom) / (top - bottom), r * near, 1.0),
// Produces Z values in [-1.0, 1.0] range (OpenGL defaults)
pub fn orthographicOffCenterLhGl(left: f32, right: f32, top: f32, bottom: f32, near: f32, far: f32) Mat {
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, far, near, 0.001));
const r = far - near;
return .{
f32x4(2 / (right - left), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 2 / (top - bottom), 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 2 / r, 0.0),
f32x4(-(right + left) / (right - left), -(top + bottom) / (top - bottom), (near + far) / -r, 1.0),
// Produces Z values in [-1.0, 1.0] range (OpenGL defaults)
pub fn orthographicOffCenterRhGl(left: f32, right: f32, top: f32, bottom: f32, near: f32, far: f32) Mat {
assert(!math.approxEqAbs(f32, far, near, 0.001));
const r = near - far;
return .{
f32x4(2 / (right - left), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 2 / (top - bottom), 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 2 / r, 0.0),
f32x4(-(right + left) / (right - left), -(top + bottom) / (top - bottom), (near + far) / r, 1.0),
pub fn determinant(m: Mat) F32x4 {
var v0 = swizzle(m[2], .y, .x, .x, .x);
var v1 = swizzle(m[3], .z, .z, .y, .y);
var v2 = swizzle(m[2], .y, .x, .x, .x);
var v3 = swizzle(m[3], .w, .w, .w, .z);
var v4 = swizzle(m[2], .z, .z, .y, .y);
var v5 = swizzle(m[3], .w, .w, .w, .z);
var p0 = v0 * v1;
var p1 = v2 * v3;
var p2 = v4 * v5;
v0 = swizzle(m[2], .z, .z, .y, .y);
v1 = swizzle(m[3], .y, .x, .x, .x);
v2 = swizzle(m[2], .w, .w, .w, .z);
v3 = swizzle(m[3], .y, .x, .x, .x);
v4 = swizzle(m[2], .w, .w, .w, .z);
v5 = swizzle(m[3], .z, .z, .y, .y);
p0 = mulAdd(-v0, v1, p0);
p1 = mulAdd(-v2, v3, p1);
p2 = mulAdd(-v4, v5, p2);
v0 = swizzle(m[1], .w, .w, .w, .z);
v1 = swizzle(m[1], .z, .z, .y, .y);
v2 = swizzle(m[1], .y, .x, .x, .x);
const s = m[0] * f32x4(1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0);
var r = v0 * p0;
r = mulAdd(-v1, p1, r);
r = mulAdd(v2, p2, r);
return dot4(s, r);
test "zmath.matrix.determinant" {
const m = Mat{
f32x4(10.0, -9.0, -12.0, 1.0),
f32x4(7.0, -12.0, 11.0, 1.0),
f32x4(-10.0, 10.0, 3.0, 1.0),
f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0),
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(determinant(m), splat(F32x4, 2939.0), 0.0001);
pub fn inverse(a: anytype) @TypeOf(a) {
const T = @TypeOf(a);
return switch (T) {
Mat => inverseMat(a),
Quat => inverseQuat(a),
else => @compileError("zmath.inverse() not implemented for " ++ @typeName(T)),
fn inverseMat(m: Mat) Mat {
return inverseDet(m, null);
pub fn inverseDet(m: Mat, out_det: ?*F32x4) Mat {
const mt = transpose(m);
var v0: [4]F32x4 = undefined;
var v1: [4]F32x4 = undefined;
v0[0] = swizzle(mt[2], .x, .x, .y, .y);
v1[0] = swizzle(mt[3], .z, .w, .z, .w);
v0[1] = swizzle(mt[0], .x, .x, .y, .y);
v1[1] = swizzle(mt[1], .z, .w, .z, .w);
v0[2] = @shuffle(f32, mt[2], mt[0], [4]i32{ 0, 2, ~@as(i32, 0), ~@as(i32, 2) });
v1[2] = @shuffle(f32, mt[3], mt[1], [4]i32{ 1, 3, ~@as(i32, 1), ~@as(i32, 3) });
var d0 = v0[0] * v1[0];
var d1 = v0[1] * v1[1];
var d2 = v0[2] * v1[2];
v0[0] = swizzle(mt[2], .z, .w, .z, .w);
v1[0] = swizzle(mt[3], .x, .x, .y, .y);
v0[1] = swizzle(mt[0], .z, .w, .z, .w);
v1[1] = swizzle(mt[1], .x, .x, .y, .y);
v0[2] = @shuffle(f32, mt[2], mt[0], [4]i32{ 1, 3, ~@as(i32, 1), ~@as(i32, 3) });
v1[2] = @shuffle(f32, mt[3], mt[1], [4]i32{ 0, 2, ~@as(i32, 0), ~@as(i32, 2) });
d0 = mulAdd(-v0[0], v1[0], d0);
d1 = mulAdd(-v0[1], v1[1], d1);
d2 = mulAdd(-v0[2], v1[2], d2);
v0[0] = swizzle(mt[1], .y, .z, .x, .y);
v1[0] = @shuffle(f32, d0, d2, [4]i32{ ~@as(i32, 1), 1, 3, 0 });
v0[1] = swizzle(mt[0], .z, .x, .y, .x);
v1[1] = @shuffle(f32, d0, d2, [4]i32{ 3, ~@as(i32, 1), 1, 2 });
v0[2] = swizzle(mt[3], .y, .z, .x, .y);
v1[2] = @shuffle(f32, d1, d2, [4]i32{ ~@as(i32, 3), 1, 3, 0 });
v0[3] = swizzle(mt[2], .z, .x, .y, .x);
v1[3] = @shuffle(f32, d1, d2, [4]i32{ 3, ~@as(i32, 3), 1, 2 });
var c0 = v0[0] * v1[0];
var c2 = v0[1] * v1[1];
var c4 = v0[2] * v1[2];
var c6 = v0[3] * v1[3];
v0[0] = swizzle(mt[1], .z, .w, .y, .z);
v1[0] = @shuffle(f32, d0, d2, [4]i32{ 3, 0, 1, ~@as(i32, 0) });
v0[1] = swizzle(mt[0], .w, .z, .w, .y);
v1[1] = @shuffle(f32, d0, d2, [4]i32{ 2, 1, ~@as(i32, 0), 0 });
v0[2] = swizzle(mt[3], .z, .w, .y, .z);
v1[2] = @shuffle(f32, d1, d2, [4]i32{ 3, 0, 1, ~@as(i32, 2) });
v0[3] = swizzle(mt[2], .w, .z, .w, .y);
v1[3] = @shuffle(f32, d1, d2, [4]i32{ 2, 1, ~@as(i32, 2), 0 });
c0 = mulAdd(-v0[0], v1[0], c0);
c2 = mulAdd(-v0[1], v1[1], c2);
c4 = mulAdd(-v0[2], v1[2], c4);
c6 = mulAdd(-v0[3], v1[3], c6);
v0[0] = swizzle(mt[1], .w, .x, .w, .x);
v1[0] = @shuffle(f32, d0, d2, [4]i32{ 2, ~@as(i32, 1), ~@as(i32, 0), 2 });
v0[1] = swizzle(mt[0], .y, .w, .x, .z);
v1[1] = @shuffle(f32, d0, d2, [4]i32{ ~@as(i32, 1), 0, 3, ~@as(i32, 0) });
v0[2] = swizzle(mt[3], .w, .x, .w, .x);
v1[2] = @shuffle(f32, d1, d2, [4]i32{ 2, ~@as(i32, 3), ~@as(i32, 2), 2 });
v0[3] = swizzle(mt[2], .y, .w, .x, .z);
v1[3] = @shuffle(f32, d1, d2, [4]i32{ ~@as(i32, 3), 0, 3, ~@as(i32, 2) });
const c1 = mulAdd(-v0[0], v1[0], c0);
const c3 = mulAdd(v0[1], v1[1], c2);
const c5 = mulAdd(-v0[2], v1[2], c4);
const c7 = mulAdd(v0[3], v1[3], c6);
c0 = mulAdd(v0[0], v1[0], c0);
c2 = mulAdd(-v0[1], v1[1], c2);
c4 = mulAdd(v0[2], v1[2], c4);
c6 = mulAdd(-v0[3], v1[3], c6);
var mr = Mat{
f32x4(c0[0], c1[1], c0[2], c1[3]),
f32x4(c2[0], c3[1], c2[2], c3[3]),
f32x4(c4[0], c5[1], c4[2], c5[3]),
f32x4(c6[0], c7[1], c6[2], c7[3]),
const det = dot4(mr[0], mt[0]);
if (out_det != null) {
out_det.?.* = det;
if (math.approxEqAbs(f32, det[0], 0.0, math.floatEps(f32))) {
return .{
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
const scale = splat(F32x4, 1.0) / det;
mr[0] *= scale;
mr[1] *= scale;
mr[2] *= scale;
mr[3] *= scale;
return mr;
test "zmath.matrix.inverse" {
const m = Mat{
f32x4(10.0, -9.0, -12.0, 1.0),
f32x4(7.0, -12.0, 11.0, 1.0),
f32x4(-10.0, 10.0, 3.0, 1.0),
f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0),
var det: F32x4 = undefined;
const mi = inverseDet(m, &det);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(det, splat(F32x4, 2939.0), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(mi[0], f32x4(-0.170806, -0.13576, -0.349439, 0.164001), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(mi[1], f32x4(-0.163661, -0.14801, -0.253147, 0.141204), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(mi[2], f32x4(-0.0871045, 0.00646478, -0.0785982, 0.0398095), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(mi[3], f32x4(0.18986, 0.103096, 0.272882, 0.10854), 0.0001);
pub fn matFromNormAxisAngle(axis: Vec, angle: f32) Mat {
const sincos_angle = sincos(angle);
const c2 = splat(F32x4, 1.0 - sincos_angle[1]);
const c1 = splat(F32x4, sincos_angle[1]);
const c0 = splat(F32x4, sincos_angle[0]);
const n0 = swizzle(axis, .y, .z, .x, .w);
const n1 = swizzle(axis, .z, .x, .y, .w);
var v0 = c2 * n0 * n1;
const r0 = c2 * axis * axis + c1;
const r1 = c0 * axis + v0;
var r2 = v0 - c0 * axis;
v0 = andInt(r0, f32x4_mask3);
var v1 = @shuffle(f32, r1, r2, [4]i32{ 0, 2, ~@as(i32, 1), ~@as(i32, 2) });
v1 = swizzle(v1, .y, .z, .w, .x);
var v2 = @shuffle(f32, r1, r2, [4]i32{ 1, 1, ~@as(i32, 0), ~@as(i32, 0) });
v2 = swizzle(v2, .x, .z, .x, .z);
r2 = @shuffle(f32, v0, v1, [4]i32{ 0, 3, ~@as(i32, 0), ~@as(i32, 1) });
r2 = swizzle(r2, .x, .z, .w, .y);
var m: Mat = undefined;
m[0] = r2;
r2 = @shuffle(f32, v0, v1, [4]i32{ 1, 3, ~@as(i32, 2), ~@as(i32, 3) });
r2 = swizzle(r2, .z, .x, .w, .y);
m[1] = r2;
v2 = @shuffle(f32, v2, v0, [4]i32{ 0, 1, ~@as(i32, 2), ~@as(i32, 3) });
m[2] = v2;
m[3] = f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
return m;
pub fn matFromAxisAngle(axis: Vec, angle: f32) Mat {
assert(!all(axis == splat(F32x4, 0.0), 3));
assert(!all(isInf(axis), 3));
const normal = normalize3(axis);
return matFromNormAxisAngle(normal, angle);
test "zmath.matrix.matFromAxisAngle" {
const m0 = matFromAxisAngle(f32x4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), math.pi * 0.25);
const m1 = rotationX(math.pi * 0.25);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m0[0], m1[0], 0.001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m0[1], m1[1], 0.001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m0[2], m1[2], 0.001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m0[3], m1[3], 0.001);
const m0 = matFromAxisAngle(f32x4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0), math.pi * 0.125);
const m1 = rotationY(math.pi * 0.125);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m0[0], m1[0], 0.001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m0[1], m1[1], 0.001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m0[2], m1[2], 0.001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m0[3], m1[3], 0.001);
const m0 = matFromAxisAngle(f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), math.pi * 0.333);
const m1 = rotationZ(math.pi * 0.333);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m0[0], m1[0], 0.001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m0[1], m1[1], 0.001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m0[2], m1[2], 0.001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m0[3], m1[3], 0.001);
pub fn matFromQuat(quat: Quat) Mat {
const q0 = quat + quat;
var q1 = quat * q0;
var v0 = swizzle(q1, .y, .x, .x, .w);
v0 = andInt(v0, f32x4_mask3);
var v1 = swizzle(q1, .z, .z, .y, .w);
v1 = andInt(v1, f32x4_mask3);
const r0 = (f32x4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0) - v0) - v1;
v0 = swizzle(quat, .x, .x, .y, .w);
v1 = swizzle(q0, .z, .y, .z, .w);
v0 = v0 * v1;
v1 = swizzle(quat, .w, .w, .w, .w);
const v2 = swizzle(q0, .y, .z, .x, .w);
v1 = v1 * v2;
const r1 = v0 + v1;
const r2 = v0 - v1;
v0 = @shuffle(f32, r1, r2, [4]i32{ 1, 2, ~@as(i32, 0), ~@as(i32, 1) });
v0 = swizzle(v0, .x, .z, .w, .y);
v1 = @shuffle(f32, r1, r2, [4]i32{ 0, 0, ~@as(i32, 2), ~@as(i32, 2) });
v1 = swizzle(v1, .x, .z, .x, .z);
q1 = @shuffle(f32, r0, v0, [4]i32{ 0, 3, ~@as(i32, 0), ~@as(i32, 1) });
q1 = swizzle(q1, .x, .z, .w, .y);
var m: Mat = undefined;
m[0] = q1;
q1 = @shuffle(f32, r0, v0, [4]i32{ 1, 3, ~@as(i32, 2), ~@as(i32, 3) });
q1 = swizzle(q1, .z, .x, .w, .y);
m[1] = q1;
q1 = @shuffle(f32, v1, r0, [4]i32{ 0, 1, ~@as(i32, 2), ~@as(i32, 3) });
m[2] = q1;
m[3] = f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
return m;
test "zmath.matrix.matFromQuat" {
const m = matFromQuat(f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m[0], f32x4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m[1], f32x4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m[2], f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m[3], f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 0.0001);
pub fn matFromRollPitchYaw(pitch: f32, yaw: f32, roll: f32) Mat {
return matFromRollPitchYawV(f32x4(pitch, yaw, roll, 0.0));
pub fn matFromRollPitchYawV(angles: Vec) Mat {
return matFromQuat(quatFromRollPitchYawV(angles));
pub fn matToQuat(m: Mat) Quat {
return quatFromMat(m);
pub inline fn loadMat(mem: []const f32) Mat {
return .{
load(mem[0..4], F32x4, 0),
load(mem[4..8], F32x4, 0),
load(mem[8..12], F32x4, 0),
load(mem[12..16], F32x4, 0),
test "zmath.loadMat" {
const a = [18]f32{
1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0,
5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0,
9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0,
13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0,
17.0, 18.0,
const m = loadMat(a[1..]);
try expectVecEqual(m[0], f32x4(2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0));
try expectVecEqual(m[1], f32x4(6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0));
try expectVecEqual(m[2], f32x4(10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0));
try expectVecEqual(m[3], f32x4(14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0));
pub inline fn storeMat(mem: []f32, m: Mat) void {
store(mem[0..4], m[0], 0);
store(mem[4..8], m[1], 0);
store(mem[8..12], m[2], 0);
store(mem[12..16], m[3], 0);
pub inline fn loadMat43(mem: []const f32) Mat {
return .{
f32x4(mem[0], mem[1], mem[2], 0.0),
f32x4(mem[3], mem[4], mem[5], 0.0),
f32x4(mem[6], mem[7], mem[8], 0.0),
f32x4(mem[9], mem[10], mem[11], 1.0),
pub inline fn storeMat43(mem: []f32, m: Mat) void {
store(mem[0..3], m[0], 3);
store(mem[3..6], m[1], 3);
store(mem[6..9], m[2], 3);
store(mem[9..12], m[3], 3);
pub inline fn loadMat34(mem: []const f32) Mat {
return .{
load(mem[0..4], F32x4, 0),
load(mem[4..8], F32x4, 0),
load(mem[8..12], F32x4, 0),
f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
pub inline fn storeMat34(mem: []f32, m: Mat) void {
store(mem[0..4], m[0], 0);
store(mem[4..8], m[1], 0);
store(mem[8..12], m[2], 0);
pub inline fn matToArr(m: Mat) [16]f32 {
var array: [16]f32 = undefined;
storeMat(array[0..], m);
return array;
pub inline fn matToArr43(m: Mat) [12]f32 {
var array: [12]f32 = undefined;
storeMat43(array[0..], m);
return array;
pub inline fn matToArr34(m: Mat) [12]f32 {
var array: [12]f32 = undefined;
storeMat34(array[0..], m);
return array;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 5. Quaternion functions
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
pub fn qmul(q0: Quat, q1: Quat) Quat {
var result = swizzle(q1, .w, .w, .w, .w);
var q1x = swizzle(q1, .x, .x, .x, .x);
var q1y = swizzle(q1, .y, .y, .y, .y);
var q1z = swizzle(q1, .z, .z, .z, .z);
result = result * q0;
var q0_shuf = swizzle(q0, .w, .z, .y, .x);
q1x = q1x * q0_shuf;
q0_shuf = swizzle(q0_shuf, .y, .x, .w, .z);
result = mulAdd(q1x, f32x4(1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0), result);
q1y = q1y * q0_shuf;
q0_shuf = swizzle(q0_shuf, .w, .z, .y, .x);
q1y = q1y * f32x4(1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0);
q1z = q1z * q0_shuf;
q1y = mulAdd(q1z, f32x4(-1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0), q1y);
return result + q1y;
test "zmath.quaternion.mul" {
const q0 = f32x4(2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 1.0);
const q1 = f32x4(3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 4.0);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(qmul(q0, q1), f32x4(16.0, 4.0, 22.0, -12.0), 0.0001);
pub fn quatToMat(quat: Quat) Mat {
return matFromQuat(quat);
pub fn quatToAxisAngle(quat: Quat, axis: *Vec, angle: *f32) void {
axis.* = quat;
angle.* = 2.0 * acos(quat[3]);
test "zmath.quaternion.quatToAxisAngle" {
const q0 = quatFromNormAxisAngle(f32x4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.25 * math.pi);
var axis: Vec = f32x4(4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0);
var angle: f32 = 10.0;
quatToAxisAngle(q0, &axis, &angle);
try expect(math.approxEqAbs(f32, axis[0], @sin(@as(f32, 0.25) * math.pi * 0.5), 0.0001));
try expect(axis[1] == 0.0);
try expect(axis[2] == 0.0);
try expect(math.approxEqAbs(f32, angle, 0.25 * math.pi, 0.0001));
pub fn quatFromMat(m: Mat) Quat {
const r0 = m[0];
const r1 = m[1];
const r2 = m[2];
const r00 = swizzle(r0, .x, .x, .x, .x);
const r11 = swizzle(r1, .y, .y, .y, .y);
const r22 = swizzle(r2, .z, .z, .z, .z);
const x2gey2 = (r11 - r00) <= splat(F32x4, 0.0);
const z2gew2 = (r11 + r00) <= splat(F32x4, 0.0);
const x2py2gez2pw2 = r22 <= splat(F32x4, 0.0);
var t0 = mulAdd(r00, f32x4(1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0), splat(F32x4, 1.0));
var t1 = r11 * f32x4(-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0);
var t2 = mulAdd(r22, f32x4(-1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0), t0);
const x2y2z2w2 = t1 + t2;
t0 = @shuffle(f32, r0, r1, [4]i32{ 1, 2, ~@as(i32, 2), ~@as(i32, 1) });
t1 = @shuffle(f32, r1, r2, [4]i32{ 0, 0, ~@as(i32, 0), ~@as(i32, 1) });
t1 = swizzle(t1, .x, .z, .w, .y);
const xyxzyz = t0 + t1;
t0 = @shuffle(f32, r2, r1, [4]i32{ 1, 0, ~@as(i32, 0), ~@as(i32, 0) });
t1 = @shuffle(f32, r1, r0, [4]i32{ 2, 2, ~@as(i32, 2), ~@as(i32, 1) });
t1 = swizzle(t1, .x, .z, .w, .y);
const xwywzw = (t0 - t1) * f32x4(-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0);
t0 = @shuffle(f32, x2y2z2w2, xyxzyz, [4]i32{ 0, 1, ~@as(i32, 0), ~@as(i32, 0) });
t1 = @shuffle(f32, x2y2z2w2, xwywzw, [4]i32{ 2, 3, ~@as(i32, 2), ~@as(i32, 0) });
t2 = @shuffle(f32, xyxzyz, xwywzw, [4]i32{ 1, 2, ~@as(i32, 0), ~@as(i32, 1) });
const tensor0 = @shuffle(f32, t0, t2, [4]i32{ 0, 2, ~@as(i32, 0), ~@as(i32, 2) });
const tensor1 = @shuffle(f32, t0, t2, [4]i32{ 2, 1, ~@as(i32, 1), ~@as(i32, 3) });
const tensor2 = @shuffle(f32, t2, t1, [4]i32{ 0, 1, ~@as(i32, 0), ~@as(i32, 2) });
const tensor3 = @shuffle(f32, t2, t1, [4]i32{ 2, 3, ~@as(i32, 2), ~@as(i32, 1) });
t0 = select(x2gey2, tensor0, tensor1);
t1 = select(z2gew2, tensor2, tensor3);
t2 = select(x2py2gez2pw2, t0, t1);
return t2 / length4(t2);
test "zmath.quatFromMat" {
const q0 = quatFromAxisAngle(f32x4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.25 * math.pi);
const q1 = quatFromMat(rotationX(0.25 * math.pi));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(q0, q1, 0.0001);
const q0 = quatFromAxisAngle(f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 0.5, 0.0), 0.25 * math.pi);
const q1 = quatFromMat(matFromAxisAngle(f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 0.5, 0.0), 0.25 * math.pi));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(q0, q1, 0.0001);
const q0 = quatFromRollPitchYaw(0.1 * math.pi, -0.2 * math.pi, 0.3 * math.pi);
const q1 = quatFromMat(matFromRollPitchYaw(0.1 * math.pi, -0.2 * math.pi, 0.3 * math.pi));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(q0, q1, 0.0001);
pub fn quatFromNormAxisAngle(axis: Vec, angle: f32) Quat {
const n = f32x4(axis[0], axis[1], axis[2], 1.0);
const sc = sincos(0.5 * angle);
return n * f32x4(sc[0], sc[0], sc[0], sc[1]);
pub fn quatFromAxisAngle(axis: Vec, angle: f32) Quat {
assert(!all(axis == splat(F32x4, 0.0), 3));
assert(!all(isInf(axis), 3));
const normal = normalize3(axis);
return quatFromNormAxisAngle(normal, angle);
test "zmath.quaternion.quatFromNormAxisAngle" {
const q0 = quatFromAxisAngle(f32x4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.25 * math.pi);
const q1 = quatFromAxisAngle(f32x4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 0.125 * math.pi);
const m0 = rotationX(0.25 * math.pi);
const m1 = rotationY(0.125 * math.pi);
const mr0 = quatToMat(qmul(q0, q1));
const mr1 = mul(m0, m1);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(mr0[0], mr1[0], 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(mr0[1], mr1[1], 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(mr0[2], mr1[2], 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(mr0[3], mr1[3], 0.0001);
const m0 = quatToMat(quatFromAxisAngle(f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 0.5, 0.0), 0.25 * math.pi));
const m1 = matFromAxisAngle(f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 0.5, 0.0), 0.25 * math.pi);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m0[0], m1[0], 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m0[1], m1[1], 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m0[2], m1[2], 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m0[3], m1[3], 0.0001);
pub inline fn qidentity() Quat {
return f32x4(@as(f32, 0.0), @as(f32, 0.0), @as(f32, 0.0), @as(f32, 1.0));
pub inline fn conjugate(quat: Quat) Quat {
return quat * f32x4(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0);
fn inverseQuat(quat: Quat) Quat {
const l = lengthSq4(quat);
const conj = conjugate(quat);
return select(l <= splat(F32x4, math.floatEps(f32)), splat(F32x4, 0.0), conj / l);
test "zmath.quaternion.inverseQuat" {
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(
inverse(f32x4(2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 1.0)),
f32x4(-1.0 / 15.0, -1.0 / 10.0, -2.0 / 15.0, 1.0 / 30.0),
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(inverse(qidentity()), qidentity(), 0.0001);
// Algorithm from:
pub fn rotate(q: Quat, v: Vec) Vec {
const w = splat(F32x4, q[3]);
const axis = f32x4(q[0], q[1], q[2], 0.0);
const uv = cross3(axis, v);
return v + ((uv * w) + cross3(axis, uv)) * splat(F32x4, 2.0);
test "zmath.quaternion.rotate" {
const quat = quatFromRollPitchYaw(0.1 * math.pi, 0.2 * math.pi, 0.3 * math.pi);
const mat = matFromQuat(quat);
const forward = f32x4(0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0);
const up = f32x4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
const right = f32x4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(rotate(quat, forward), mul(forward, mat), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(rotate(quat, up), mul(up, mat), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(rotate(quat, right), mul(right, mat), 0.0001);
pub fn slerp(q0: Quat, q1: Quat, t: f32) Quat {
return slerpV(q0, q1, splat(F32x4, t));
pub fn slerpV(q0: Quat, q1: Quat, t: F32x4) Quat {
var cos_omega = dot4(q0, q1);
const sign = select(cos_omega < splat(F32x4, 0.0), splat(F32x4, -1.0), splat(F32x4, 1.0));
cos_omega = cos_omega * sign;
const sin_omega = sqrt(splat(F32x4, 1.0) - cos_omega * cos_omega);
const omega = atan2(sin_omega, cos_omega);
var v01 = t;
v01 = xorInt(andInt(v01, f32x4_mask2), f32x4_sign_mask1);
v01 = f32x4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) + v01;
var s0 = sin(v01 * omega) / sin_omega;
s0 = select(cos_omega < splat(F32x4, 1.0 - 0.00001), s0, v01);
const s1 = swizzle(s0, .y, .y, .y, .y);
s0 = swizzle(s0, .x, .x, .x, .x);
return q0 * s0 + sign * q1 * s1;
test "zmath.quaternion.slerp" {
const from = f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
const to = f32x4(0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5);
const result = slerp(from, to, 0.5);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(result, f32x4(0.28867513, 0.28867513, -0.28867513, 0.86602540), 0.0001);
// Converts q back to euler angles, assuming a YXZ rotation order.
// See:
pub fn quatToRollPitchYaw(q: Quat) [3]f32 {
var angles: [3]f32 = undefined;
const p = swizzle(q, .w, .y, .x, .z);
const sign = -1.0;
const singularity = p[0] * p[2] + sign * p[1] * p[3];
if (singularity > 0.499) {
angles[0] = math.pi * 0.5;
angles[1] = 2.0 * math.atan2(p[1], p[0]);
angles[2] = 0.0;
} else if (singularity < -0.499) {
angles[0] = -math.pi * 0.5;
angles[1] = 2.0 * math.atan2(p[1], p[0]);
angles[2] = 0.0;
} else {
const sq = p * p;
const y = splat(F32x4, 2.0) * f32x4(p[0] * p[1] - sign * p[2] * p[3], p[0] * p[3] - sign * p[1] * p[2], 0.0, 0.0);
const x = splat(F32x4, 1.0) - (splat(F32x4, 2.0) * f32x4(sq[1] + sq[2], sq[2] + sq[3], 0.0, 0.0));
const res = atan2(y, x);
angles[0] = math.asin(2.0 * singularity);
angles[1] = res[0];
angles[2] = res[1];
return angles;
test "zmath.quaternion.quatToRollPitchYaw" {
const expected = f32x4(0.1 * math.pi, 0.2 * math.pi, 0.3 * math.pi, 0.0);
const quat = quatFromRollPitchYaw(expected[0], expected[1], expected[2]);
const result = quatToRollPitchYaw(quat);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(loadArr3(result), expected, 0.0001);
const expected = f32x4(0.3 * math.pi, 0.1 * math.pi, 0.2 * math.pi, 0.0);
const quat = quatFromRollPitchYaw(expected[0], expected[1], expected[2]);
const result = quatToRollPitchYaw(quat);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(loadArr3(result), expected, 0.0001);
// North pole singularity
const angle = f32x4(0.5 * math.pi, 0.2 * math.pi, 0.3 * math.pi, 0.0);
const expected = f32x4(0.5 * math.pi, -0.1 * math.pi, 0.0, 0.0);
const quat = quatFromRollPitchYaw(angle[0], angle[1], angle[2]);
const result = quatToRollPitchYaw(quat);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(loadArr3(result), expected, 0.0001);
// South pole singularity
const angle = f32x4(-0.5 * math.pi, 0.2 * math.pi, 0.3 * math.pi, 0.0);
const expected = f32x4(-0.5 * math.pi, 0.5 * math.pi, 0.0, 0.0);
const quat = quatFromRollPitchYaw(angle[0], angle[1], angle[2]);
const result = quatToRollPitchYaw(quat);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(loadArr3(result), expected, 0.0001);
pub fn quatFromRollPitchYaw(pitch: f32, yaw: f32, roll: f32) Quat {
return quatFromRollPitchYawV(f32x4(pitch, yaw, roll, 0.0));
pub fn quatFromRollPitchYawV(angles: Vec) Quat { // | pitch | yaw | roll | 0 |
const sc = sincos(splat(Vec, 0.5) * angles);
const p0 = @shuffle(f32, sc[1], sc[0], [4]i32{ ~@as(i32, 0), 0, 0, 0 });
const p1 = @shuffle(f32, sc[0], sc[1], [4]i32{ ~@as(i32, 0), 0, 0, 0 });
const y0 = @shuffle(f32, sc[1], sc[0], [4]i32{ 1, ~@as(i32, 1), 1, 1 });
const y1 = @shuffle(f32, sc[0], sc[1], [4]i32{ 1, ~@as(i32, 1), 1, 1 });
const r0 = @shuffle(f32, sc[1], sc[0], [4]i32{ 2, 2, ~@as(i32, 2), 2 });
const r1 = @shuffle(f32, sc[0], sc[1], [4]i32{ 2, 2, ~@as(i32, 2), 2 });
const q1 = p1 * f32x4(1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0) * y1;
const q0 = p0 * y0 * r0;
return mulAdd(q1, r1, q0);
test "zmath.quaternion.quatFromRollPitchYawV" {
const m0 = quatToMat(quatFromRollPitchYawV(f32x4(0.25 * math.pi, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)));
const m1 = rotationX(0.25 * math.pi);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m0[0], m1[0], 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m0[1], m1[1], 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m0[2], m1[2], 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m0[3], m1[3], 0.0001);
const m0 = quatToMat(quatFromRollPitchYaw(0.1 * math.pi, 0.2 * math.pi, 0.3 * math.pi));
const m1 = mul(
rotationZ(0.3 * math.pi),
mul(rotationX(0.1 * math.pi), rotationY(0.2 * math.pi)),
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m0[0], m1[0], 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m0[1], m1[1], 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m0[2], m1[2], 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(m0[3], m1[3], 0.0001);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 6. Color functions
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
pub fn adjustSaturation(color: F32x4, saturation: f32) F32x4 {
const luminance = dot3(f32x4(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721, 0.0), color);
var result = mulAdd(color - luminance, f32x4s(saturation), luminance);
result[3] = color[3];
return result;
pub fn adjustContrast(color: F32x4, contrast: f32) F32x4 {
var result = mulAdd(color - f32x4s(0.5), f32x4s(contrast), f32x4s(0.5));
result[3] = color[3];
return result;
pub fn rgbToHsl(rgb: F32x4) F32x4 {
const r = swizzle(rgb, .x, .x, .x, .x);
const g = swizzle(rgb, .y, .y, .y, .y);
const b = swizzle(rgb, .z, .z, .z, .z);
const minv = min(r, min(g, b));
const maxv = max(r, max(g, b));
const l = (minv + maxv) * f32x4s(0.5);
const d = maxv - minv;
const la = select(boolx4(true, true, true, false), l, rgb);
if (all(d < f32x4s(math.floatEps(f32)), 3)) {
return select(boolx4(true, true, false, false), f32x4s(0.0), la);
} else {
var s: F32x4 = undefined;
var h: F32x4 = undefined;
const d2 = minv + maxv;
if (all(l > f32x4s(0.5), 3)) {
s = d / (f32x4s(2.0) - d2);
} else {
s = d / d2;
if (all(r == maxv, 3)) {
h = (g - b) / d;
} else if (all(g == maxv, 3)) {
h = f32x4s(2.0) + (b - r) / d;
} else {
h = f32x4s(4.0) + (r - g) / d;
h /= f32x4s(6.0);
if (all(h < f32x4s(0.0), 3)) {
h += f32x4s(1.0);
const lha = select(boolx4(true, true, false, false), h, la);
return select(boolx4(true, false, true, true), lha, s);
test "zmath.color.rgbToHsl" {
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(rgbToHsl(f32x4(0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.0)), f32x4(0.6111, 0.6, 0.5, 1.0), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(rgbToHsl(f32x4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5)), f32x4(0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(rgbToHsl(f32x4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.25)), f32x4(0.3333, 1.0, 0.5, 0.25), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(rgbToHsl(f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)), f32x4(0.6666, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(rgbToHsl(f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(rgbToHsl(f32x4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)), f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0), 0.0001);
fn hueToClr(p: F32x4, q: F32x4, h: F32x4) F32x4 {
var t = h;
if (all(t < f32x4s(0.0), 3))
t += f32x4s(1.0);
if (all(t > f32x4s(1.0), 3))
t -= f32x4s(1.0);
if (all(t < f32x4s(1.0 / 6.0), 3))
return mulAdd(q - p, f32x4s(6.0) * t, p);
if (all(t < f32x4s(0.5), 3))
return q;
if (all(t < f32x4s(2.0 / 3.0), 3))
return mulAdd(q - p, f32x4s(6.0) * (f32x4s(2.0 / 3.0) - t), p);
return p;
pub fn hslToRgb(hsl: F32x4) F32x4 {
const s = swizzle(hsl, .y, .y, .y, .y);
const l = swizzle(hsl, .z, .z, .z, .z);
if (all(isNearEqual(s, f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(math.floatEps(f32))), 3)) {
return select(boolx4(true, true, true, false), l, hsl);
} else {
const h = swizzle(hsl, .x, .x, .x, .x);
var q: F32x4 = undefined;
if (all(l < f32x4s(0.5), 3)) {
q = l * (f32x4s(1.0) + s);
} else {
q = (l + s) - (l * s);
const p = f32x4s(2.0) * l - q;
const r = hueToClr(p, q, h + f32x4s(1.0 / 3.0));
const g = hueToClr(p, q, h);
const b = hueToClr(p, q, h - f32x4s(1.0 / 3.0));
const rg = select(boolx4(true, false, false, false), r, g);
const ba = select(boolx4(true, true, true, false), b, hsl);
return select(boolx4(true, true, false, false), rg, ba);
test "zmath.color.hslToRgb" {
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(f32x4(0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.0), hslToRgb(f32x4(0.6111, 0.6, 0.5, 1.0)), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(f32x4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5), hslToRgb(f32x4(0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5)), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(f32x4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.25), hslToRgb(f32x4(0.3333, 1.0, 0.5, 0.25)), 0.0005);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0), hslToRgb(f32x4(0.6666, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0)), 0.0005);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), hslToRgb(f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(f32x4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), hslToRgb(f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(hslToRgb(rgbToHsl(f32x4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0))), f32x4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 0.0005);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(
hslToRgb(rgbToHsl(f32x4(0.82198, 0.1839, 0.632, 1.0))),
f32x4(0.82198, 0.1839, 0.632, 1.0),
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(
rgbToHsl(hslToRgb(f32x4(0.82198, 0.1839, 0.632, 1.0))),
f32x4(0.82198, 0.1839, 0.632, 1.0),
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(
rgbToHsl(hslToRgb(f32x4(0.1839, 0.82198, 0.632, 1.0))),
f32x4(0.1839, 0.82198, 0.632, 1.0),
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(
hslToRgb(rgbToHsl(f32x4(0.1839, 0.632, 0.82198, 1.0))),
f32x4(0.1839, 0.632, 0.82198, 1.0),
pub fn rgbToHsv(rgb: F32x4) F32x4 {
const r = swizzle(rgb, .x, .x, .x, .x);
const g = swizzle(rgb, .y, .y, .y, .y);
const b = swizzle(rgb, .z, .z, .z, .z);
const minv = min(r, min(g, b));
const v = max(r, max(g, b));
const d = v - minv;
const s = if (all(isNearEqual(v, f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(math.floatEps(f32))), 3)) f32x4s(0.0) else d / v;
if (all(d < f32x4s(math.floatEps(f32)), 3)) {
const hv = select(boolx4(true, false, false, false), f32x4s(0.0), v);
const hva = select(boolx4(true, true, true, false), hv, rgb);
return select(boolx4(true, false, true, true), hva, s);
} else {
var h: F32x4 = undefined;
if (all(r == v, 3)) {
h = (g - b) / d;
if (all(g < b, 3))
h += f32x4s(6.0);
} else if (all(g == v, 3)) {
h = f32x4s(2.0) + (b - r) / d;
} else {
h = f32x4s(4.0) + (r - g) / d;
h /= f32x4s(6.0);
const hv = select(boolx4(true, false, false, false), h, v);
const hva = select(boolx4(true, true, true, false), hv, rgb);
return select(boolx4(true, false, true, true), hva, s);
test "zmath.color.rgbToHsv" {
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(rgbToHsv(f32x4(0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.0)), f32x4(0.6111, 0.75, 0.8, 1.0), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(rgbToHsv(f32x4(0.4, 0.2, 0.8, 1.0)), f32x4(0.7222, 0.75, 0.8, 1.0), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(rgbToHsv(f32x4(0.4, 0.8, 0.2, 1.0)), f32x4(0.2777, 0.75, 0.8, 1.0), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(rgbToHsv(f32x4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5)), f32x4(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(rgbToHsv(f32x4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.25)), f32x4(0.3333, 1.0, 1.0, 0.25), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(rgbToHsv(f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)), f32x4(0.6666, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(rgbToHsv(f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 0.0001);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(rgbToHsv(f32x4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)), f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0), 0.0001);
pub fn hsvToRgb(hsv: F32x4) F32x4 {
const h = swizzle(hsv, .x, .x, .x, .x);
const s = swizzle(hsv, .y, .y, .y, .y);
const v = swizzle(hsv, .z, .z, .z, .z);
const h6 = h * f32x4s(6.0);
const i = floor(h6);
const f = h6 - i;
const p = v * (f32x4s(1.0) - s);
const q = v * (f32x4s(1.0) - f * s);
const t = v * (f32x4s(1.0) - (f32x4s(1.0) - f) * s);
const ii = @as(i32, @intFromFloat(mod(i, f32x4s(6.0))[0]));
const rgb = switch (ii) {
0 => blk: {
const vt = select(boolx4(true, false, false, false), v, t);
break :blk select(boolx4(true, true, false, false), vt, p);
1 => blk: {
const qv = select(boolx4(true, false, false, false), q, v);
break :blk select(boolx4(true, true, false, false), qv, p);
2 => blk: {
const pv = select(boolx4(true, false, false, false), p, v);
break :blk select(boolx4(true, true, false, false), pv, t);
3 => blk: {
const pq = select(boolx4(true, false, false, false), p, q);
break :blk select(boolx4(true, true, false, false), pq, v);
4 => blk: {
const tp = select(boolx4(true, false, false, false), t, p);
break :blk select(boolx4(true, true, false, false), tp, v);
5 => blk: {
const vp = select(boolx4(true, false, false, false), v, p);
break :blk select(boolx4(true, true, false, false), vp, q);
else => unreachable,
return select(boolx4(true, true, true, false), rgb, hsv);
test "zmath.color.hsvToRgb" {
const epsilon = 0.0005;
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(f32x4(0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.0), hsvToRgb(f32x4(0.6111, 0.75, 0.8, 1.0)), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(f32x4(0.4, 0.2, 0.8, 1.0), hsvToRgb(f32x4(0.7222, 0.75, 0.8, 1.0)), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(f32x4(0.4, 0.8, 0.2, 1.0), hsvToRgb(f32x4(0.2777, 0.75, 0.8, 1.0)), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(f32x4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5), hsvToRgb(f32x4(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5)), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(f32x4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.25), hsvToRgb(f32x4(0.3333, 1.0, 1.0, 0.25)), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0), hsvToRgb(f32x4(0.6666, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), hsvToRgb(f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(f32x4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), hsvToRgb(f32x4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(
hsvToRgb(rgbToHsv(f32x4(0.1839, 0.632, 0.82198, 1.0))),
f32x4(0.1839, 0.632, 0.82198, 1.0),
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(
hsvToRgb(rgbToHsv(f32x4(0.82198, 0.1839, 0.632, 1.0))),
f32x4(0.82198, 0.1839, 0.632, 1.0),
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(
rgbToHsv(hsvToRgb(f32x4(0.82198, 0.1839, 0.632, 1.0))),
f32x4(0.82198, 0.1839, 0.632, 1.0),
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(
rgbToHsv(hsvToRgb(f32x4(0.1839, 0.82198, 0.632, 1.0))),
f32x4(0.1839, 0.82198, 0.632, 1.0),
pub fn rgbToSrgb(rgb: F32x4) F32x4 {
const static = struct {
const cutoff = f32x4(0.0031308, 0.0031308, 0.0031308, 1.0);
const linear = f32x4(12.92, 12.92, 12.92, 1.0);
const scale = f32x4(1.055, 1.055, 1.055, 1.0);
const bias = f32x4(0.055, 0.055, 0.055, 1.0);
const rgamma = 1.0 / 2.4;
var v = saturate(rgb);
const v0 = v * static.linear;
const v1 = static.scale * f32x4(
math.pow(f32, v[0], static.rgamma),
math.pow(f32, v[1], static.rgamma),
math.pow(f32, v[2], static.rgamma),
) - static.bias;
v = select(v < static.cutoff, v0, v1);
return select(boolx4(true, true, true, false), v, rgb);
test "zmath.color.rgbToSrgb" {
const epsilon = 0.001;
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(rgbToSrgb(f32x4(0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.0)), f32x4(0.484, 0.665, 0.906, 1.0), epsilon);
pub fn srgbToRgb(srgb: F32x4) F32x4 {
const static = struct {
const cutoff = f32x4(0.04045, 0.04045, 0.04045, 1.0);
const rlinear = f32x4(1.0 / 12.92, 1.0 / 12.92, 1.0 / 12.92, 1.0);
const scale = f32x4(1.0 / 1.055, 1.0 / 1.055, 1.0 / 1.055, 1.0);
const bias = f32x4(0.055, 0.055, 0.055, 1.0);
const gamma = 2.4;
var v = saturate(srgb);
const v0 = v * static.rlinear;
var v1 = static.scale * (v + static.bias);
v1 = f32x4(
math.pow(f32, v1[0], static.gamma),
math.pow(f32, v1[1], static.gamma),
math.pow(f32, v1[2], static.gamma),
v = select(v > static.cutoff, v1, v0);
return select(boolx4(true, true, true, false), v, srgb);
test "zmath.color.srgbToRgb" {
const epsilon = 0.0007;
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(f32x4(0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.0), srgbToRgb(f32x4(0.484, 0.665, 0.906, 1.0)), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(
rgbToSrgb(srgbToRgb(f32x4(0.1839, 0.82198, 0.632, 1.0))),
f32x4(0.1839, 0.82198, 0.632, 1.0),
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// X. Misc functions
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
pub fn linePointDistance(linept0: Vec, linept1: Vec, pt: Vec) F32x4 {
const ptvec = pt - linept0;
const linevec = linept1 - linept0;
const scale = dot3(ptvec, linevec) / lengthSq3(linevec);
return length3(ptvec - linevec * scale);
test "zmath.linePointDistance" {
const linept0 = f32x4(-1.0, -2.0, -3.0, 1.0);
const linept1 = f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0);
const pt = f32x4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
const v = linePointDistance(linept0, linept1, pt);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(v, splat(F32x4, 0.654), 0.001);
fn sin32(v: f32) f32 {
var y = v - math.tau * @round(v * 1.0 / math.tau);
if (y > 0.5 * math.pi) {
y = math.pi - y;
} else if (y < -math.pi * 0.5) {
y = -math.pi - y;
const y2 = y * y;
// 11-degree minimax approximation
var sinv = mulAdd(@as(f32, -2.3889859e-08), y2, 2.7525562e-06);
sinv = mulAdd(sinv, y2, -0.00019840874);
sinv = mulAdd(sinv, y2, 0.0083333310);
sinv = mulAdd(sinv, y2, -0.16666667);
return y * mulAdd(sinv, y2, 1.0);
fn cos32(v: f32) f32 {
var y = v - math.tau * @round(v * 1.0 / math.tau);
const sign = blk: {
if (y > 0.5 * math.pi) {
y = math.pi - y;
break :blk @as(f32, -1.0);
} else if (y < -math.pi * 0.5) {
y = -math.pi - y;
break :blk @as(f32, -1.0);
} else {
break :blk @as(f32, 1.0);
const y2 = y * y;
// 10-degree minimax approximation
var cosv = mulAdd(@as(f32, -2.6051615e-07), y2, 2.4760495e-05);
cosv = mulAdd(cosv, y2, -0.0013888378);
cosv = mulAdd(cosv, y2, 0.041666638);
cosv = mulAdd(cosv, y2, -0.5);
return sign * mulAdd(cosv, y2, 1.0);
fn sincos32(v: f32) [2]f32 {
var y = v - math.tau * @round(v * 1.0 / math.tau);
const sign = blk: {
if (y > 0.5 * math.pi) {
y = math.pi - y;
break :blk @as(f32, -1.0);
} else if (y < -math.pi * 0.5) {
y = -math.pi - y;
break :blk @as(f32, -1.0);
} else {
break :blk @as(f32, 1.0);
const y2 = y * y;
// 11-degree minimax approximation
var sinv = mulAdd(@as(f32, -2.3889859e-08), y2, 2.7525562e-06);
sinv = mulAdd(sinv, y2, -0.00019840874);
sinv = mulAdd(sinv, y2, 0.0083333310);
sinv = mulAdd(sinv, y2, -0.16666667);
sinv = y * mulAdd(sinv, y2, 1.0);
// 10-degree minimax approximation
var cosv = mulAdd(@as(f32, -2.6051615e-07), y2, 2.4760495e-05);
cosv = mulAdd(cosv, y2, -0.0013888378);
cosv = mulAdd(cosv, y2, 0.041666638);
cosv = mulAdd(cosv, y2, -0.5);
cosv = sign * mulAdd(cosv, y2, 1.0);
return .{ sinv, cosv };
test "zmath.sincos32" {
const epsilon = 0.0001;
try expect(math.isNan(sincos32(math.inf(f32))[0]));
try expect(math.isNan(sincos32(math.inf(f32))[1]));
try expect(math.isNan(sincos32(-math.inf(f32))[0]));
try expect(math.isNan(sincos32(-math.inf(f32))[1]));
try expect(math.isNan(sincos32(math.nan(f32))[0]));
try expect(math.isNan(sincos32(-math.nan(f32))[1]));
try expect(math.isNan(sin32(math.inf(f32))));
try expect(math.isNan(cos32(math.inf(f32))));
try expect(math.isNan(sin32(-math.inf(f32))));
try expect(math.isNan(cos32(-math.inf(f32))));
try expect(math.isNan(sin32(math.nan(f32))));
try expect(math.isNan(cos32(-math.nan(f32))));
var f: f32 = -100.0;
var i: u32 = 0;
while (i < 100) : (i += 1) {
const sc = sincos32(f);
const s0 = sin32(f);
const c0 = cos32(f);
const s = @sin(f);
const c = @cos(f);
try expect(math.approxEqAbs(f32, sc[0], s, epsilon));
try expect(math.approxEqAbs(f32, sc[1], c, epsilon));
try expect(math.approxEqAbs(f32, s0, s, epsilon));
try expect(math.approxEqAbs(f32, c0, c, epsilon));
f += 0.12345 * @as(f32, @floatFromInt(i));
fn asin32(v: f32) f32 {
const x = @abs(v);
var omx = 1.0 - x;
if (omx < 0.0) {
omx = 0.0;
const root = @sqrt(omx);
// 7-degree minimax approximation
var result = mulAdd(@as(f32, -0.0012624911), x, 0.0066700901);
result = mulAdd(result, x, -0.0170881256);
result = mulAdd(result, x, 0.0308918810);
result = mulAdd(result, x, -0.0501743046);
result = mulAdd(result, x, 0.0889789874);
result = mulAdd(result, x, -0.2145988016);
result = root * mulAdd(result, x, 1.5707963050);
return if (v >= 0.0) 0.5 * math.pi - result else result - 0.5 * math.pi;
test "zmath.asin32" {
const epsilon = 0.0001;
try expect(math.approxEqAbs(f32, asin(@as(f32, -1.1)), -0.5 * math.pi, epsilon));
try expect(math.approxEqAbs(f32, asin(@as(f32, 1.1)), 0.5 * math.pi, epsilon));
try expect(math.approxEqAbs(f32, asin(@as(f32, -1000.1)), -0.5 * math.pi, epsilon));
try expect(math.approxEqAbs(f32, asin(@as(f32, 100000.1)), 0.5 * math.pi, epsilon));
try expect(math.isNan(asin(math.inf(f32))));
try expect(math.isNan(asin(-math.inf(f32))));
try expect(math.isNan(asin(math.nan(f32))));
try expect(math.isNan(asin(-math.nan(f32))));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(asin(splat(F32x8, -100.0)), splat(F32x8, -0.5 * math.pi), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(asin(splat(F32x16, 100.0)), splat(F32x16, 0.5 * math.pi), epsilon);
try expect(all(isNan(asin(splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32)))), 0) == true);
try expect(all(isNan(asin(splat(F32x4, -math.inf(f32)))), 0) == true);
try expect(all(isNan(asin(splat(F32x4, math.nan(f32)))), 0) == true);
try expect(all(isNan(asin(splat(F32x4, math.snan(f32)))), 0) == true);
var f: f32 = -1.0;
var i: u32 = 0;
while (i < 8) : (i += 1) {
const r0 = asin32(f);
const r1 = math.asin(f);
const r4 = asin(splat(F32x4, f));
const r8 = asin(splat(F32x8, f));
const r16 = asin(splat(F32x16, f));
try expect(math.approxEqAbs(f32, r0, r1, epsilon));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(r4, splat(F32x4, r1), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(r8, splat(F32x8, r1), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(r16, splat(F32x16, r1), epsilon);
f += 0.09 * @as(f32, @floatFromInt(i));
fn acos32(v: f32) f32 {
const x = @abs(v);
var omx = 1.0 - x;
if (omx < 0.0) {
omx = 0.0;
const root = @sqrt(omx);
// 7-degree minimax approximation
var result = mulAdd(@as(f32, -0.0012624911), x, 0.0066700901);
result = mulAdd(result, x, -0.0170881256);
result = mulAdd(result, x, 0.0308918810);
result = mulAdd(result, x, -0.0501743046);
result = mulAdd(result, x, 0.0889789874);
result = mulAdd(result, x, -0.2145988016);
result = root * mulAdd(result, x, 1.5707963050);
return if (v >= 0.0) result else math.pi - result;
test "zmath.acos32" {
const epsilon = 0.1;
try expect(math.approxEqAbs(f32, acos(@as(f32, -1.1)), math.pi, epsilon));
try expect(math.approxEqAbs(f32, acos(@as(f32, -10000.1)), math.pi, epsilon));
try expect(math.approxEqAbs(f32, acos(@as(f32, 1.1)), 0.0, epsilon));
try expect(math.approxEqAbs(f32, acos(@as(f32, 1000.1)), 0.0, epsilon));
try expect(math.isNan(acos(math.inf(f32))));
try expect(math.isNan(acos(-math.inf(f32))));
try expect(math.isNan(acos(math.nan(f32))));
try expect(math.isNan(acos(-math.nan(f32))));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(acos(splat(F32x8, -100.0)), splat(F32x8, math.pi), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(acos(splat(F32x16, 100.0)), splat(F32x16, 0.0), epsilon);
try expect(all(isNan(acos(splat(F32x4, math.inf(f32)))), 0) == true);
try expect(all(isNan(acos(splat(F32x4, -math.inf(f32)))), 0) == true);
try expect(all(isNan(acos(splat(F32x4, math.nan(f32)))), 0) == true);
try expect(all(isNan(acos(splat(F32x4, math.snan(f32)))), 0) == true);
var f: f32 = -1.0;
var i: u32 = 0;
while (i < 8) : (i += 1) {
const r0 = acos32(f);
const r1 = math.acos(f);
const r4 = acos(splat(F32x4, f));
const r8 = acos(splat(F32x8, f));
const r16 = acos(splat(F32x16, f));
try expect(math.approxEqAbs(f32, r0, r1, epsilon));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(r4, splat(F32x4, r1), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(r8, splat(F32x8, r1), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(r16, splat(F32x16, r1), epsilon);
f += 0.09 * @as(f32, @floatFromInt(i));
pub fn modAngle32(in_angle: f32) f32 {
const angle = in_angle + math.pi;
var temp: f32 = @abs(angle);
temp = temp - (2.0 * math.pi * @as(f32, @floatFromInt(@as(i32, @intFromFloat(temp / math.pi)))));
temp = temp - math.pi;
if (angle < 0.0) {
temp = -temp;
return temp;
pub fn cmulSoa(re0: anytype, im0: anytype, re1: anytype, im1: anytype) [2]@TypeOf(re0, im0, re1, im1) {
const re0_re1 = re0 * re1;
const re0_im1 = re0 * im1;
return .{
mulAdd(-im0, im1, re0_re1), // re
mulAdd(re1, im0, re0_im1), // im
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FFT (implementation based on xdsp.h from DirectXMath)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
fn fftButterflyDit4_1(re0: *F32x4, im0: *F32x4) void {
const re0l = swizzle(re0.*, .x, .x, .y, .y);
const re0h = swizzle(re0.*, .z, .z, .w, .w);
const im0l = swizzle(im0.*, .x, .x, .y, .y);
const im0h = swizzle(im0.*, .z, .z, .w, .w);
const re_temp = mulAdd(re0h, f32x4(1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0), re0l);
const im_temp = mulAdd(im0h, f32x4(1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0), im0l);
const re_shuf0 = @shuffle(f32, re_temp, im_temp, [4]i32{ 2, 3, ~@as(i32, 2), ~@as(i32, 3) });
const re_shuf = swizzle(re_shuf0, .x, .w, .x, .w);
const im_shuf = swizzle(re_shuf0, .z, .y, .z, .y);
const re_templ = swizzle(re_temp, .x, .y, .x, .y);
const im_templ = swizzle(im_temp, .x, .y, .x, .y);
re0.* = mulAdd(re_shuf, f32x4(1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0), re_templ);
im0.* = mulAdd(im_shuf, f32x4(1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0), im_templ);
fn fftButterflyDit4_4(
re0: *F32x4,
re1: *F32x4,
re2: *F32x4,
re3: *F32x4,
im0: *F32x4,
im1: *F32x4,
im2: *F32x4,
im3: *F32x4,
unity_table_re: []const F32x4,
unity_table_im: []const F32x4,
stride: u32,
last: bool,
) void {
const re_temp0 = re0.* + re2.*;
const im_temp0 = im0.* + im2.*;
const re_temp2 = re1.* + re3.*;
const im_temp2 = im1.* + im3.*;
const re_temp1 = re0.* - re2.*;
const im_temp1 = im0.* - im2.*;
const re_temp3 = re1.* - re3.*;
const im_temp3 = im1.* - im3.*;
var re_temp4 = re_temp0 + re_temp2;
var im_temp4 = im_temp0 + im_temp2;
var re_temp5 = re_temp1 + im_temp3;
var im_temp5 = im_temp1 - re_temp3;
var re_temp6 = re_temp0 - re_temp2;
var im_temp6 = im_temp0 - im_temp2;
var re_temp7 = re_temp1 - im_temp3;
var im_temp7 = im_temp1 + re_temp3;
const re_im = cmulSoa(re_temp5, im_temp5, unity_table_re[stride], unity_table_im[stride]);
re_temp5 = re_im[0];
im_temp5 = re_im[1];
const re_im = cmulSoa(re_temp6, im_temp6, unity_table_re[stride * 2], unity_table_im[stride * 2]);
re_temp6 = re_im[0];
im_temp6 = re_im[1];
const re_im = cmulSoa(re_temp7, im_temp7, unity_table_re[stride * 3], unity_table_im[stride * 3]);
re_temp7 = re_im[0];
im_temp7 = re_im[1];
if (last) {
fftButterflyDit4_1(&re_temp4, &im_temp4);
fftButterflyDit4_1(&re_temp5, &im_temp5);
fftButterflyDit4_1(&re_temp6, &im_temp6);
fftButterflyDit4_1(&re_temp7, &im_temp7);
re0.* = re_temp4;
im0.* = im_temp4;
re1.* = re_temp5;
im1.* = im_temp5;
re2.* = re_temp6;
im2.* = im_temp6;
re3.* = re_temp7;
im3.* = im_temp7;
fn fft4(re: []F32x4, im: []F32x4, count: u32) void {
assert(re.len >= count);
assert(im.len >= count);
var index: u32 = 0;
while (index < count) : (index += 1) {
fftButterflyDit4_1(&re[index], &im[index]);
test "zmath.fft4" {
const epsilon = 0.0001;
var re = [_]F32x4{f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)};
var im = [_]F32x4{f32x4s(0.0)};
fft4(re[0..], im[0..], 1);
var re_uns: [1]F32x4 = undefined;
var im_uns: [1]F32x4 = undefined;
fftUnswizzle(re[0..], re_uns[0..]);
fftUnswizzle(im[0..], im_uns[0..]);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re_uns[0], f32x4(10.0, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(im_uns[0], f32x4(0.0, 2.0, 0.0, -2.0), epsilon);
fn fft8(re: []F32x4, im: []F32x4, count: u32) void {
assert(re.len >= 2 * count);
assert(im.len >= 2 * count);
var index: u32 = 0;
while (index < count) : (index += 1) {
var pre = re[index * 2 ..];
var pim = im[index * 2 ..];
var odds_re = @shuffle(f32, pre[0], pre[1], [4]i32{ 1, 3, ~@as(i32, 1), ~@as(i32, 3) });
var evens_re = @shuffle(f32, pre[0], pre[1], [4]i32{ 0, 2, ~@as(i32, 0), ~@as(i32, 2) });
var odds_im = @shuffle(f32, pim[0], pim[1], [4]i32{ 1, 3, ~@as(i32, 1), ~@as(i32, 3) });
var evens_im = @shuffle(f32, pim[0], pim[1], [4]i32{ 0, 2, ~@as(i32, 0), ~@as(i32, 2) });
fftButterflyDit4_1(&odds_re, &odds_im);
fftButterflyDit4_1(&evens_re, &evens_im);
const re_im = cmulSoa(
f32x4(1.0, 0.70710677, 0.0, -0.70710677),
f32x4(0.0, -0.70710677, -1.0, -0.70710677),
pre[0] = evens_re + re_im[0];
pim[0] = evens_im + re_im[1];
const re_im = cmulSoa(
f32x4(-1.0, -0.70710677, 0.0, 0.70710677),
f32x4(0.0, 0.70710677, 1.0, 0.70710677),
pre[1] = evens_re + re_im[0];
pim[1] = evens_im + re_im[1];
test "zmath.fft8" {
const epsilon = 0.0001;
var re = [_]F32x4{ f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0), f32x4(5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0) };
var im = [_]F32x4{ f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0) };
fft8(re[0..], im[0..], 1);
var re_uns: [2]F32x4 = undefined;
var im_uns: [2]F32x4 = undefined;
fftUnswizzle(re[0..], re_uns[0..]);
fftUnswizzle(im[0..], im_uns[0..]);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re_uns[0], f32x4(36.0, -4.0, -4.0, -4.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re_uns[1], f32x4(-4.0, -4.0, -4.0, -4.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(im_uns[0], f32x4(0.0, 9.656854, 4.0, 1.656854), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(im_uns[1], f32x4(0.0, -1.656854, -4.0, -9.656854), epsilon);
fn fft16(re: []F32x4, im: []F32x4, count: u32) void {
assert(re.len >= 4 * count);
assert(im.len >= 4 * count);
const static = struct {
const unity_table_re = [4]F32x4{
f32x4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
f32x4(1.0, 0.92387950, 0.70710677, 0.38268343),
f32x4(1.0, 0.70710677, -4.3711388e-008, -0.70710677),
f32x4(1.0, 0.38268343, -0.70710677, -0.92387950),
const unity_table_im = [4]F32x4{
f32x4(-0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0),
f32x4(-0.0, -0.38268343, -0.70710677, -0.92387950),
f32x4(-0.0, -0.70710677, -1.0, -0.70710677),
f32x4(-0.0, -0.92387950, -0.70710677, 0.38268343),
var index: u32 = 0;
while (index < count) : (index += 1) {
&re[index * 4],
&re[index * 4 + 1],
&re[index * 4 + 2],
&re[index * 4 + 3],
&im[index * 4],
&im[index * 4 + 1],
&im[index * 4 + 2],
&im[index * 4 + 3],
test "zmath.fft16" {
const epsilon = 0.0001;
var re = [_]F32x4{
f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0),
f32x4(5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0),
f32x4(9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0),
f32x4(13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0),
var im = [_]F32x4{ f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0) };
fft16(re[0..], im[0..], 1);
var re_uns: [4]F32x4 = undefined;
var im_uns: [4]F32x4 = undefined;
fftUnswizzle(re[0..], re_uns[0..]);
fftUnswizzle(im[0..], im_uns[0..]);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re_uns[0], f32x4(136.0, -8.0, -8.0, -8.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re_uns[1], f32x4(-8.0, -8.0, -8.0, -8.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re_uns[2], f32x4(-8.0, -8.0, -8.0, -8.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re_uns[3], f32x4(-8.0, -8.0, -8.0, -8.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(im_uns[0], f32x4(0.0, 40.218716, 19.313708, 11.972846), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(im_uns[1], f32x4(8.0, 5.345429, 3.313708, 1.591299), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(im_uns[2], f32x4(0.0, -1.591299, -3.313708, -5.345429), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(im_uns[3], f32x4(-8.0, -11.972846, -19.313708, -40.218716), epsilon);
fn fftN(re: []F32x4, im: []F32x4, unity_table: []const F32x4, length: u32, count: u32) void {
assert(length > 16);
assert(re.len >= length * count / 4);
assert(re.len == im.len);
const total = count * length;
const total_vectors = total / 4;
const stage_vectors = length / 4;
const stage_vectors_mask = stage_vectors - 1;
const stride = length / 16;
const stride_mask = stride - 1;
const stride_inv_mask = ~stride_mask;
var unity_table_re = unity_table;
var unity_table_im = unity_table[length / 4 ..];
var index: u32 = 0;
while (index < total_vectors / 4) : (index += 1) {
const n = (index & stride_inv_mask) * 4 + (index & stride_mask);
&re[n + stride],
&re[n + stride * 2],
&re[n + stride * 3],
&im[n + stride],
&im[n + stride * 2],
&im[n + stride * 3],
unity_table_re[(n & stage_vectors_mask)..],
unity_table_im[(n & stage_vectors_mask)..],
if (length > 16 * 4) {
fftN(re, im, unity_table[(length / 2)..], length / 4, count * 4);
} else if (length == 16 * 4) {
fft16(re, im, count * 4);
} else if (length == 8 * 4) {
fft8(re, im, count * 4);
} else if (length == 4 * 4) {
fft4(re, im, count * 4);
test "zmath.fftN" {
var unity_table: [128]F32x4 = undefined;
const epsilon = 0.0001;
// 32 samples
var re = [_]F32x4{
f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0), f32x4(5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0),
f32x4(9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0), f32x4(13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0),
f32x4(17.0, 18.0, 19.0, 20.0), f32x4(21.0, 22.0, 23.0, 24.0),
f32x4(25.0, 26.0, 27.0, 28.0), f32x4(29.0, 30.0, 31.0, 32.0),
var im = [_]F32x4{
f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0),
f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0),
fft(re[0..], im[0..], unity_table[0..32]);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re[0], f32x4(528.0, -16.0, -16.0, -16.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re[1], f32x4(-16.0, -16.0, -16.0, -16.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re[2], f32x4(-16.0, -16.0, -16.0, -16.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re[3], f32x4(-16.0, -16.0, -16.0, -16.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re[4], f32x4(-16.0, -16.0, -16.0, -16.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re[5], f32x4(-16.0, -16.0, -16.0, -16.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re[6], f32x4(-16.0, -16.0, -16.0, -16.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re[7], f32x4(-16.0, -16.0, -16.0, -16.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(im[0], f32x4(0.0, 162.450726, 80.437432, 52.744931), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(im[1], f32x4(38.627417, 29.933895, 23.945692, 19.496056), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(im[2], f32x4(16.0, 13.130861, 10.690858, 8.552178), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(im[3], f32x4(6.627417, 4.853547, 3.182598, 1.575862), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(im[4], f32x4(0.0, -1.575862, -3.182598, -4.853547), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(im[5], f32x4(-6.627417, -8.552178, -10.690858, -13.130861), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(im[6], f32x4(-16.0, -19.496056, -23.945692, -29.933895), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(im[7], f32x4(-38.627417, -52.744931, -80.437432, -162.450726), epsilon);
// 64 samples
var re = [_]F32x4{
f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0), f32x4(5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0),
f32x4(9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0), f32x4(13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0),
f32x4(17.0, 18.0, 19.0, 20.0), f32x4(21.0, 22.0, 23.0, 24.0),
f32x4(25.0, 26.0, 27.0, 28.0), f32x4(29.0, 30.0, 31.0, 32.0),
f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0), f32x4(5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0),
f32x4(9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0), f32x4(13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0),
f32x4(17.0, 18.0, 19.0, 20.0), f32x4(21.0, 22.0, 23.0, 24.0),
f32x4(25.0, 26.0, 27.0, 28.0), f32x4(29.0, 30.0, 31.0, 32.0),
var im = [_]F32x4{
f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0),
f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0),
f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0),
f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0),
fft(re[0..], im[0..], unity_table[0..64]);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re[0], f32x4(1056.0, 0.0, -32.0, 0.0), epsilon);
var i: u32 = 1;
while (i < 16) : (i += 1) {
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re[i], f32x4(-32.0, 0.0, -32.0, 0.0), epsilon);
const expected = [_]f32{
0.0, 0.0, 324.901452, 0.000000, 160.874864, 0.0, 105.489863, 0.000000,
77.254834, 0.0, 59.867789, 0.0, 47.891384, 0.0, 38.992113, 0.0,
32.000000, 0.000000, 26.261721, 0.000000, 21.381716, 0.000000, 17.104356, 0.000000,
13.254834, 0.000000, 9.707094, 0.000000, 6.365196, 0.000000, 3.151725, 0.000000,
0.000000, 0.000000, -3.151725, 0.000000, -6.365196, 0.000000, -9.707094, 0.000000,
-13.254834, 0.000000, -17.104356, 0.000000, -21.381716, 0.000000, -26.261721, 0.000000,
-32.000000, 0.000000, -38.992113, 0.000000, -47.891384, 0.000000, -59.867789, 0.000000,
-77.254834, 0.000000, -105.489863, 0.000000, -160.874864, 0.000000, -324.901452, 0.000000,
for (expected, 0..) |e, ie| {
try expect(std.math.approxEqAbs(f32, e, im[(ie / 4)][ie % 4], epsilon));
// 128 samples
var re = [_]F32x4{
f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0), f32x4(5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0),
f32x4(9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0), f32x4(13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0),
f32x4(17.0, 18.0, 19.0, 20.0), f32x4(21.0, 22.0, 23.0, 24.0),
f32x4(25.0, 26.0, 27.0, 28.0), f32x4(29.0, 30.0, 31.0, 32.0),
f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0), f32x4(5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0),
f32x4(9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0), f32x4(13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0),
f32x4(17.0, 18.0, 19.0, 20.0), f32x4(21.0, 22.0, 23.0, 24.0),
f32x4(25.0, 26.0, 27.0, 28.0), f32x4(29.0, 30.0, 31.0, 32.0),
f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0), f32x4(5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0),
f32x4(9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0), f32x4(13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0),
f32x4(17.0, 18.0, 19.0, 20.0), f32x4(21.0, 22.0, 23.0, 24.0),
f32x4(25.0, 26.0, 27.0, 28.0), f32x4(29.0, 30.0, 31.0, 32.0),
f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0), f32x4(5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0),
f32x4(9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0), f32x4(13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0),
f32x4(17.0, 18.0, 19.0, 20.0), f32x4(21.0, 22.0, 23.0, 24.0),
f32x4(25.0, 26.0, 27.0, 28.0), f32x4(29.0, 30.0, 31.0, 32.0),
var im = [_]F32x4{
f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0),
f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0),
f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0),
f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0),
f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0),
f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0),
f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0),
f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0),
fft(re[0..], im[0..], unity_table[0..128]);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re[0], f32x4(2112.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), epsilon);
var i: u32 = 1;
while (i < 32) : (i += 1) {
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re[i], f32x4(-64.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), epsilon);
const expected = [_]f32{
0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 649.802905, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
321.749727, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 210.979725, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
154.509668, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 119.735578, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
95.782769, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 77.984226, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
64.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 52.523443, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
42.763433, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 34.208713, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
26.509668, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 19.414188, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
12.730392, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 6.303450, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, -6.303450, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
-12.730392, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, -19.414188, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
-26.509668, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, -34.208713, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
-42.763433, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, -52.523443, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
-64.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, -77.984226, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
-95.782769, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, -119.735578, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
-154.509668, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, -210.979725, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
-321.749727, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, -649.802905, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000,
for (expected, 0..) |e, ie| {
try expect(std.math.approxEqAbs(f32, e, im[(ie / 4)][ie % 4], epsilon));
fn fftUnswizzle(input: []const F32x4, output: []F32x4) void {
assert(input.len == output.len);
assert(input.ptr != output.ptr);
const log2_length = std.math.log2_int(usize, input.len * 4);
assert(log2_length >= 2);
const length = input.len;
const f32_output = @as([*]f32, @ptrCast(output.ptr))[0 .. output.len * 4];
const static = struct {
const swizzle_table = [256]u8{
0x00, 0x40, 0x80, 0xC0, 0x10, 0x50, 0x90, 0xD0, 0x20, 0x60, 0xA0, 0xE0, 0x30, 0x70, 0xB0, 0xF0,
0x04, 0x44, 0x84, 0xC4, 0x14, 0x54, 0x94, 0xD4, 0x24, 0x64, 0xA4, 0xE4, 0x34, 0x74, 0xB4, 0xF4,
0x08, 0x48, 0x88, 0xC8, 0x18, 0x58, 0x98, 0xD8, 0x28, 0x68, 0xA8, 0xE8, 0x38, 0x78, 0xB8, 0xF8,
0x0C, 0x4C, 0x8C, 0xCC, 0x1C, 0x5C, 0x9C, 0xDC, 0x2C, 0x6C, 0xAC, 0xEC, 0x3C, 0x7C, 0xBC, 0xFC,
0x01, 0x41, 0x81, 0xC1, 0x11, 0x51, 0x91, 0xD1, 0x21, 0x61, 0xA1, 0xE1, 0x31, 0x71, 0xB1, 0xF1,
0x05, 0x45, 0x85, 0xC5, 0x15, 0x55, 0x95, 0xD5, 0x25, 0x65, 0xA5, 0xE5, 0x35, 0x75, 0xB5, 0xF5,
0x09, 0x49, 0x89, 0xC9, 0x19, 0x59, 0x99, 0xD9, 0x29, 0x69, 0xA9, 0xE9, 0x39, 0x79, 0xB9, 0xF9,
0x0D, 0x4D, 0x8D, 0xCD, 0x1D, 0x5D, 0x9D, 0xDD, 0x2D, 0x6D, 0xAD, 0xED, 0x3D, 0x7D, 0xBD, 0xFD,
0x02, 0x42, 0x82, 0xC2, 0x12, 0x52, 0x92, 0xD2, 0x22, 0x62, 0xA2, 0xE2, 0x32, 0x72, 0xB2, 0xF2,
0x06, 0x46, 0x86, 0xC6, 0x16, 0x56, 0x96, 0xD6, 0x26, 0x66, 0xA6, 0xE6, 0x36, 0x76, 0xB6, 0xF6,
0x0A, 0x4A, 0x8A, 0xCA, 0x1A, 0x5A, 0x9A, 0xDA, 0x2A, 0x6A, 0xAA, 0xEA, 0x3A, 0x7A, 0xBA, 0xFA,
0x0E, 0x4E, 0x8E, 0xCE, 0x1E, 0x5E, 0x9E, 0xDE, 0x2E, 0x6E, 0xAE, 0xEE, 0x3E, 0x7E, 0xBE, 0xFE,
0x03, 0x43, 0x83, 0xC3, 0x13, 0x53, 0x93, 0xD3, 0x23, 0x63, 0xA3, 0xE3, 0x33, 0x73, 0xB3, 0xF3,
0x07, 0x47, 0x87, 0xC7, 0x17, 0x57, 0x97, 0xD7, 0x27, 0x67, 0xA7, 0xE7, 0x37, 0x77, 0xB7, 0xF7,
0x0B, 0x4B, 0x8B, 0xCB, 0x1B, 0x5B, 0x9B, 0xDB, 0x2B, 0x6B, 0xAB, 0xEB, 0x3B, 0x7B, 0xBB, 0xFB,
0x0F, 0x4F, 0x8F, 0xCF, 0x1F, 0x5F, 0x9F, 0xDF, 0x2F, 0x6F, 0xAF, 0xEF, 0x3F, 0x7F, 0xBF, 0xFF,
if ((log2_length & 1) == 0) {
const rev32 = @as(u6, @intCast(32 - log2_length));
var index: usize = 0;
while (index < length) : (index += 1) {
const n = index * 4;
const addr =
(@as(usize, @intCast(static.swizzle_table[n & 0xff])) << 24) |
(@as(usize, @intCast(static.swizzle_table[(n >> 8) & 0xff])) << 16) |
(@as(usize, @intCast(static.swizzle_table[(n >> 16) & 0xff])) << 8) |
@as(usize, @intCast(static.swizzle_table[(n >> 24) & 0xff]));
f32_output[addr >> rev32] = input[index][0];
f32_output[(0x40000000 | addr) >> rev32] = input[index][1];
f32_output[(0x80000000 | addr) >> rev32] = input[index][2];
f32_output[(0xC0000000 | addr) >> rev32] = input[index][3];
} else {
const rev7 = @as(usize, 1) << @as(u6, @intCast(log2_length - 3));
const rev32 = @as(u6, @intCast(32 - (log2_length - 3)));
var index: usize = 0;
while (index < length) : (index += 1) {
const n = index / 2;
var addr =
(((@as(usize, @intCast(static.swizzle_table[n & 0xff])) << 24) |
(@as(usize, @intCast(static.swizzle_table[(n >> 8) & 0xff])) << 16) |
(@as(usize, @intCast(static.swizzle_table[(n >> 16) & 0xff])) << 8) |
(@as(usize, @intCast(static.swizzle_table[(n >> 24) & 0xff])))) >> rev32) |
((index & 1) * rev7 * 4);
f32_output[addr] = input[index][0];
addr += rev7;
f32_output[addr] = input[index][1];
addr += rev7;
f32_output[addr] = input[index][2];
addr += rev7;
f32_output[addr] = input[index][3];
pub fn fftInitUnityTable(out_unity_table: []F32x4) void {
assert(out_unity_table.len >= 32 and out_unity_table.len <= 512);
var unity_table = out_unity_table;
const v0123 = f32x4(0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
var length = out_unity_table.len / 4;
var vlstep = f32x4s(0.5 * math.pi / @as(f32, @floatFromInt(length)));
while (true) {
length /= 4;
var vjp = v0123;
var j: u32 = 0;
while (j < length) : (j += 1) {
unity_table[j] = f32x4s(1.0);
unity_table[j + length * 4] = f32x4s(0.0);
var vls = vjp * vlstep;
var sin_cos = sincos(vls);
unity_table[j + length] = sin_cos[1];
unity_table[j + length * 5] = sin_cos[0] * f32x4s(-1.0);
var vijp = vjp + vjp;
vls = vijp * vlstep;
sin_cos = sincos(vls);
unity_table[j + length * 2] = sin_cos[1];
unity_table[j + length * 6] = sin_cos[0] * f32x4s(-1.0);
vijp = vijp + vjp;
vls = vijp * vlstep;
sin_cos = sincos(vls);
unity_table[j + length * 3] = sin_cos[1];
unity_table[j + length * 7] = sin_cos[0] * f32x4s(-1.0);
vjp += f32x4s(4.0);
vlstep *= f32x4s(4.0);
unity_table = unity_table[8 * length ..];
if (length <= 4)
pub fn fft(re: []F32x4, im: []F32x4, unity_table: []const F32x4) void {
const length = @as(u32, @intCast(re.len * 4));
assert(length >= 4 and length <= 512);
assert(re.len == im.len);
var re_temp_storage: [128]F32x4 = undefined;
var im_temp_storage: [128]F32x4 = undefined;
const re_temp = re_temp_storage[];
const im_temp = im_temp_storage[];
@memcpy(re_temp, re);
@memcpy(im_temp, im);
if (length > 16) {
assert(unity_table.len == length);
fftN(re_temp, im_temp, unity_table, length, 1);
} else if (length == 16) {
fft16(re_temp, im_temp, 1);
} else if (length == 8) {
fft8(re_temp, im_temp, 1);
} else if (length == 4) {
fft4(re_temp, im_temp, 1);
fftUnswizzle(re_temp, re);
fftUnswizzle(im_temp, im);
pub fn ifft(re: []F32x4, im: []const F32x4, unity_table: []const F32x4) void {
const length = @as(u32, @intCast(re.len * 4));
assert(length >= 4 and length <= 512);
assert(re.len == im.len);
var re_temp_storage: [128]F32x4 = undefined;
var im_temp_storage: [128]F32x4 = undefined;
var re_temp = re_temp_storage[];
var im_temp = im_temp_storage[];
const rnp = f32x4s(1.0 / @as(f32, @floatFromInt(length)));
const rnm = f32x4s(-1.0 / @as(f32, @floatFromInt(length)));
for (re, 0..) |_, i| {
re_temp[i] = re[i] * rnp;
im_temp[i] = im[i] * rnm;
if (length > 16) {
assert(unity_table.len == length);
fftN(re_temp, im_temp, unity_table, length, 1);
} else if (length == 16) {
fft16(re_temp, im_temp, 1);
} else if (length == 8) {
fft8(re_temp, im_temp, 1);
} else if (length == 4) {
fft4(re_temp, im_temp, 1);
fftUnswizzle(re_temp, re);
test "zmath.ifft" {
var unity_table: [512]F32x4 = undefined;
const epsilon = 0.0001;
// 64 samples
var re = [_]F32x4{
f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0), f32x4(5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0),
f32x4(9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0), f32x4(13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0),
f32x4(17.0, 18.0, 19.0, 20.0), f32x4(21.0, 22.0, 23.0, 24.0),
f32x4(25.0, 26.0, 27.0, 28.0), f32x4(29.0, 30.0, 31.0, 32.0),
f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0), f32x4(5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0),
f32x4(9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0), f32x4(13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0),
f32x4(17.0, 18.0, 19.0, 20.0), f32x4(21.0, 22.0, 23.0, 24.0),
f32x4(25.0, 26.0, 27.0, 28.0), f32x4(29.0, 30.0, 31.0, 32.0),
var im = [_]F32x4{
f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0),
f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0),
f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0),
f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0), f32x4s(0.0),
fft(re[0..], im[0..], unity_table[0..64]);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re[0], f32x4(1056.0, 0.0, -32.0, 0.0), epsilon);
var i: u32 = 1;
while (i < 16) : (i += 1) {
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re[i], f32x4(-32.0, 0.0, -32.0, 0.0), epsilon);
ifft(re[0..], im[0..], unity_table[0..64]);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re[0], f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re[1], f32x4(5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re[2], f32x4(9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re[3], f32x4(13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re[4], f32x4(17.0, 18.0, 19.0, 20.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re[5], f32x4(21.0, 22.0, 23.0, 24.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re[6], f32x4(25.0, 26.0, 27.0, 28.0), epsilon);
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(re[7], f32x4(29.0, 30.0, 31.0, 32.0), epsilon);
// 512 samples
var re: [128]F32x4 = undefined;
var im = [_]F32x4{f32x4s(0.0)} ** 128;
for (&re, 0..) |*v, i| {
const f = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(i * 4));
v.* = f32x4(f + 1.0, f + 2.0, f + 3.0, f + 4.0);
fft(re[0..], im[0..], unity_table[0..512]);
for (re, 0..) |v, i| {
const f = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(i * 4));
try expect(!approxEqAbs(v, f32x4(f + 1.0, f + 2.0, f + 3.0, f + 4.0), epsilon));
ifft(re[0..], im[0..], unity_table[0..512]);
for (re, 0..) |v, i| {
const f = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(i * 4));
try expectVecApproxEqAbs(v, f32x4(f + 1.0, f + 2.0, f + 3.0, f + 4.0), epsilon);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private functions and constants
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const f32x4_sign_mask1: F32x4 = F32x4{ @as(f32, @bitCast(@as(u32, 0x8000_0000))), 0, 0, 0 };
const f32x4_mask2: F32x4 = F32x4{
@as(f32, @bitCast(@as(u32, 0xffff_ffff))),
@as(f32, @bitCast(@as(u32, 0xffff_ffff))),
const f32x4_mask3: F32x4 = F32x4{
@as(f32, @bitCast(@as(u32, 0xffff_ffff))),
@as(f32, @bitCast(@as(u32, 0xffff_ffff))),
@as(f32, @bitCast(@as(u32, 0xffff_ffff))),
inline fn splatNegativeZero(comptime T: type) T {
return @splat(@as(f32, @bitCast(@as(u32, 0x8000_0000))));
inline fn splatNoFraction(comptime T: type) T {
return @splat(@as(f32, 8_388_608.0));
inline fn splatAbsMask(comptime T: type) T {
return @splat(@as(f32, @bitCast(@as(u32, 0x7fff_ffff))));
fn floatToIntAndBack(v: anytype) @TypeOf(v) {
// This routine won't handle nan, inf and numbers greater than 8_388_608.0 (will generate undefined values).
const T = @TypeOf(v);
const len = veclen(T);
var vi32: [len]i32 = undefined;
comptime var i: u32 = 0;
// vcvttps2dq
inline while (i < len) : (i += 1) {
vi32[i] = @as(i32, @intFromFloat(v[i]));
var vf32: [len]f32 = undefined;
i = 0;
// vcvtdq2ps
inline while (i < len) : (i += 1) {
vf32[i] = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(vi32[i]));
return vf32;
test "zmath.floatToIntAndBack" {
const v = floatToIntAndBack(f32x4(1.1, 2.9, 3.0, -4.5));
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x4(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, -4.0));
const v = floatToIntAndBack(f32x8(1.1, 2.9, 3.0, -4.5, 2.5, -2.5, 1.1, -100.2));
try expectVecEqual(v, f32x8(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, -4.0, 2.0, -2.0, 1.0, -100.0));
const v = floatToIntAndBack(f32x4(math.inf(f32), 2.9, math.nan(f32), math.snan(f32)));
try expect(v[1] == 2.0);
pub fn expectVecEqual(expected: anytype, actual: anytype) !void {
const T = @TypeOf(expected, actual);
inline for (0..veclen(T)) |i| {
try std.testing.expectEqual(expected[i], actual[i]);
pub fn expectVecApproxEqAbs(expected: anytype, actual: anytype, eps: f32) !void {
const T = @TypeOf(expected, actual);
inline for (0..veclen(T)) |i| {
try std.testing.expectApproxEqAbs(expected[i], actual[i], eps);
pub fn approxEqAbs(v0: anytype, v1: anytype, eps: f32) bool {
const T = @TypeOf(v0, v1);
comptime var i: comptime_int = 0;
inline while (i < veclen(T)) : (i += 1) {
if (!math.approxEqAbs(f32, v0[i], v1[i], eps)) {
return false;
return true;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This software is available under 2 licenses -- choose whichever you prefer.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (c) 2022 Michal Ziulek and Contributors
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
// this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
// the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
// of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
// so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ALTERNATIVE B - Public Domain (
// This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
// Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this
// software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose,
// commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.
// In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors of this
// software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the software to the public
// domain. We make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to
// the detriment of our heirs and successors. We intend this dedication to be an
// overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to
// this software under copyright law.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------